sequelize with less "features".
Sequelize has a clunky, promise API, and the where
and include
pattern is extremely dificult to follow, for no apparent reason.
Prequelize simplifies this significantly by not providing features that almost never get used.
the prequelize settings object is basically the same as the sequelize one, but with a simplified where and include syntax:
// sequelize style settings...
skip: 0,
limit: 10,
order: [['name', 'DESC']],
// simplified where:
someField: 'x',
relatedField: 'y'
// seperate, simple include:
// Either a list of included fields
$fields: ['id', 'name', 'someField'],
// Or keys, with a truthy value
age: true,
// With related tables nested.
relatedTable: {
$fields: ['relatedField']
All prequelize model methods take a callback as the last parameter,
and return a righto
If no callback is passed, the operation will not be run until the returned righto is run.
see righto for more info.
Using normal callbacks:
// Get a person with a callback,
// Executes immediately
include: {
$fields: ['firstName']
function(error, person){
Using the returned righto:
// Get a person righto, does not execute until used.
var person = prequelize.Person.get(
include: {
$fields: ['firstName']
// Execute the query and get the resut.
person(function(error, person){
Get exactly one result by ID.
If no results are found, the call will be rejected with an Error with code 404.
get(id, settings, callback)
enabled: true
include: {
$fields: ['firstName', 'surname']
Find the first result of a query.
If no results are found, the call will be resolved no result.
find(settings, callback)
Find all results of a query.
findAll(settings, callback)
Find and count all results of a query.
findAndCountAll(settings, callback)
Find exactly one result of a query.
If no results are found, the call will be rejected with an Error with code 404.
If more than one result is found, the call will throw.
findOne(settings, callback)
Remove all results of a query.
findAndRemove(settings, callback)
Remove exactly one result of a query.
If no results are found, the call will be rejected with an Error with code 404.
If more than one result is found, the call will throw.
findOneAndRemove(settings, callback)
Remove exactly one result by ID.
If no results are found, the call will be rejected with an Error with code 404.
remove(id, settings, callback)
Create a record.
create(data, settings, callback)
Update all results of a query.
findAndUpdate(data, settings, callback)
Update exactly one result of a query.
If no results are found, the call will be rejected with an Error with code 404.
If more than one result is found, the call will throw.
findOneAndUpdate(data, settings, callback)
Update exactly one result by ID.
If no results are found, the call will be rejected with an Error with code 404.
update(id, data, settings, callback)
Update exactly the length of the ids array passed in.
If less than this is updated, the call will be rejected with an Error with code 422 (Unprocessable).
updateMany(ids, data, settings, callback)