Project was originally forked from which was designed for Linux systems.
The benefits of our rework is:
Support of OSX
Very simple config file, which has great flexibility as to what has to be tracked/synced.
Syncd is a simple bash script that watches for file changes and rsyncs them to a remote machine. It uses OS-proprietary file change notification system (like inotify for Linux, fsevents for OSX) to watch for file system changes and syncs the whole directory to a remote machine using rsync. The script makes sure to aggregate change events during a running rsync, such that after the initial sync a subsequent sync can be triggered (and so on).
Right now a linux based system with inotify-tools and rsync installed is required, .e.g for ubuntu/debian based systems run
apt-get install inotify-tools rsync
For OSX seems to be the most advanced tool for monitoring file changes using fsevents
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install rsync
brew install fswatch
No bash version of the project exist for Windows. Instead we are developing a C# clone.
- Clone the script in a directory of your choice, e.g.
cd ~/opt
git clone
- Best, put syncd in your $PATH, for example by running:
cd syncd
sudo ln -s $PWD/syncd /usr/local/bin/syncd
- Copy the syncd.conf file to the directory you want to sync, or in some of its parent directories and adapt it your needs.
- Run "syncd start" in any directory below of the directory holding your syncd.conf file to start the daemon script.
- By default, the script will create a file for tracking the daemon process ID and a .syncd.log file to which the rsync output will be written.
- Arguments known are the ones known from initd scripts (start,stop,restart,status) as well as "run" for manually triggering a rsync and "log" for checking the rsync output.
Ross Ivantsiv, ross(-at-), DataSyntax PE Wolfgang Ziegler,, drunomics GmbH