An open-source low-latency crypto aggregator. Combine crypto prices from any CCXT supported exchanges in real-time.
You can get a sense of performance in this blog post.
- Docker and docker compose
- Create a
file by copying the content of.env.example
. Change the password! - Create the metrics network:
docker network create metrics
. - Launch the stack:
docker compose up -d
. - The first launch is much slower, as the core worker needs to index symbols from the top 13 exchanges.
- You can monitor the connector symbols index with
docker compose logs -f
- Once the symbols are loaded, you should restart the stack:
docker compose down
, thendocker compose up -d
- Note that to avoid conflicts with other postgres database that might be running on your system, the database is exposed on port 15432 instead of the default 5432 port.
You can add and remove containers to the docker compose file. Each worker can index
multiple symbols. When you specify for example BTC/USD
for a worker, the worker will
connect to the 13 majors exchanges and index all of their trades and mid price changes.
There are no restrictions to how many symbols there can be on a single worker. It's a matter of distributing the load - there are no mechanism (yet) for worker orchestration.
- The redis server sometimes takes too long to launch before the workers can connect to it. The worker containers might restart.
- The performance tests ran on local hardware seems to point towards a limit of about 200 messages per second that can be processed. Running BTC and ETH major pairs will easily reach that during high market activity. See this blog post for more information. We're working towards better performance.
- Add an API to query the real-time aggregated prices.
- Support arbitrary aggregation models - E.g. allow you do develop private, real-time aggregate models and query the results.
(Coming soon)
Each fireagg worker exposes a prometheus-compatible metrics endpoint on port 9000. You can collect these metrics inside another docker/docker-compose setup with a prometheus scrape config as such:
# ...
# ...
- job_name: "fireagg-db_insertion"
scrape_interval: 15s
- targets: ["fireagg_db_insertion:9000"]
The prometheus services needs to be launched and connect to the metrics docker network.