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MajoBerger edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 1 revision

Brief summary of what I found about submission workflows.

What is it

When item is created (by pressing Deposit) it is not yet visible in Dspace, but must be reviewed, eddited and approved by certain users.


found here together with migration from old format, which IS present in clarin repo.

how to activate

By default is active, but groups must exist (and perhabs be nonempty, but that is not certain)

in edit collection, groups are set here: image

how to see and interact

Once deposited, users from editors, final editors and reviewers can go to mydspace where they have to pick this: image

Then item can be claimed and depending on current steps, review, return, view, edit etc. are available: image


Seemingly one can approve his own item, if in correct group.

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