This is darkyboi, A Computer Expert and a person who loves low-level and mid-level programming and even developed a Custom Programming Language just for learning by self and fun, I have also created Virtual File-System and a lot of the exeicing projects which now i want to contribute to the Open-Source community for free and as a source of learning for others.
I also have learnt a lot of programming languages such as : C/C++, JavaScript, GDScript, GDShader, GLSL, Python, Ruby and even more which now i can't remember, And from these i mostly codes in C++ with some parts in C because these languages are my favourite and allows me to write almost everything i want from a Simple-Console-Application to a Complex-GUI-Based Programs. For Speedy development i also uses AI in some areas like for writting simple scripts for saving a lot of development time.
Now i will seperate information about me in different sections through headings
My hobby is low to mid-level programming and i am really intrested to find an oppourtunity for Collaboration with other developers , Specifically to the Open-Source Community & Linux Community.
My Main goal is to provide free & Open-Source + Completly Private programs for others to use and get value, I Want to eliminate the need of paid softwares and not private softwares for everyone, And as an Arch Linux user i want to make Linux Community a giant community or at-the-least a community where security & freedom is much more respected. Also i wants to educate innocent peoples about , Malwares and Silent Attacks and how different things in computer system works together.
I am currently working as an independent-developer who knows how Computers and Programming languages works at the most fundamental level and a short history for this is that i just wanted to make games like free-fire which i was not allowed to play in my home by my parents so i was curious about how things works together and this curosity drove me to this place where a kid having fear of creating a folder in windows now uses Arch Linux for getting maximum control over his system and i just want to give people things i didn't got for free and i have learnt everything from computer programming and how things wotrks together by-self, I didn't took any courses or institutions for learning just my curosity drove me to this point of skills and side-by-side i am also a youtuber with having experience of youtube of over 3 years.
As the resident of India i have the following educations qualifications
- Class X(10th) from CBSE Board - Evergreen Public School
- Diploma In Computer Engineering By DSEU (Currently Pursuring)
i Can't say i have mastered these skills or not but i have the following skills
- Porgramming In Various Languages
- Web Development - Full Stack
- Operating System Development
- Virtual Machienes
- AI Cores even tried to build a custom chatBOT From Scratch
- Using AI For day-to-day tasks in programming and production
- Graphics Design with GIMP & InkScape (Intermediate)
- Video Editing with KdenLive
- Creating System Utilities For Linux
- Computer Assembly & Fault Detection
- Computer Hardware In Depth
- Basic Electronics Limited To Computer Hardware
- System Level Programming With x86 Assembly
Current Age: 16
Gender: Male
Name: Annonymous
Github User: darkyboys
Source Of Learning: Self-Learnt From Social Media And Internet
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Hope you have a good day/night