git clone
npm install -g ./ilp-cmd-tool
This will install two command-line tools: ilp
and spsp
There are two command-line tools included in this repo: ilp
and spsp
. ilp
provides commands to serialize and deserialize an ILP Packet. spsp
can be used to obtain an SPSP quote. Execute ilp -h
or spsp -h
to display usage information for the respective command.
The output of spsp
can be piped into ilp
to serialize an ILP payment packet from a SPSP quote. For example:
$> spsp quote --source-amount 111 --address bob@wallet2.example | ilp serialize-payment
will output:
Packet: AYHKAAAAAzBhhks0dXMudXNkLndhbGxldDIuYm9iLmJhdWNhQmt3X2FnU3BydTVzZTlxWnlHZWZ4TWJKczFtZ4GKUFNLLzEuMApOb25jZTogMjJfaXRRWXk4VV9pZzhHOFh2U1kxZwpFbmNyeXB0aW9uOiBhZXMtMjU2LWdjbSBvUTZyZkVuc3hOejR0bllnYzJuYVhRCgrNTD4-4niV2ilVYvlZSkskVFSULEOREyh4YvoXfEZqMR_q_j0gL5O4ONIc7sK-o6rVb8GIAA
Condition: N-lforWFIZbtbL03I7rZqjThENT8arKQ05e2rU7Rlxc
On the first line is the base64url encoded ILP payment packet and on the second-line the corresponding SHA256 crypto-condition.