Early Engagement is a learning portal offered by Cognizant, where you can learn basic concepts of Java, Sql, Web Develepoment.
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- Fork this repository.
- Clone into your local system by using
. - Create a Folder for the question (abc).
- Add the programming files and question
in the repository (abd). - Update the
file. - Commit your changes and make a pullrequest.
- ACTB Connection Portal
- Address Book
- Bill Calculator
- Consignment Booking
- EMI Calculator
- FeedBack Details
- Fixed and Reducing Interest Loan Estimator
- Learning Material Styling
- Mercury Drug Delivery Service - Partner Invite
- Outlook Inverter Palace
- Rate Card For Boat Riding
- Trainer Feedback Rating Chart
- Buses based on Source and Destination
- Car & owner details based on car type
- Car details based on type and name
- Car rental system - Create Table
- Car rental system - add new column
- Cars not taken for rent
- Concatenating Details
- Credential details
- Customer contact details
- Customer mail details
- Customer using HDFC bank
- Customers having gmail id
- Delivery Partner details based on rating
- Department name based on block number
- Hostel-Insert Student Records set2
- Hotel_info
- Hotels not taken orders in a specific month
- Hotels that took order based on month
- Hotels that took order more than five times
- Hunger eats - Change the field name
- Hunger eats - change datatype
- Hunger eats - update table
- Insert Records - Department
- Maruthi car owner details
- Minimum & Maximum Discount Amount
- Movie-Modify the datatype set2
- No of time rented by each car
- Number of Tickets Booked
- Order details
- Password Generation
- Patient Appointment Details based on reason
- Patient Appointment details Based On Month
- Rental details based on date
- Review of delivery partner based on rating
- Student and their Department Based on City
- Total sale daywise
- Username and password
- car rental system - Insert values
- Account Manipulation - Abstract Class
- Add Flight using JDBC
- Array Compatibility
- Array Manipulation - Use try with multi catch
- Auditing
- Average and Grade Calculation
- Bank Account - Interface
- BankAccountDetails
- Batting Average
- Bill Generator
- Book Manipulation
- Check Number Type
- Collage Account
- Contact Details of Hosteller
- Count of Each Words
- Cumulative sun in an array
- Display Characters
- Divider two number - Use finally
- DreamTek Company
- Employee ID Validation
- Employee Loan Eligibility - Polymorphism
- Employee Loan Eligibility
- Employee Promotion
- Employee Salary Calculation
- Employees eligible for promotionCoding exercise
- Factors of a Number
- Find Average Age
- Find Season
- Find and Replace
- Fruit Basket Estimation
- Fuel Consumption Calculator
- Grade Calculation
- Highest Marks in Each Semester
- Highest Placement
- Increment Calculation
- InitCap
- Inner Class
- Insurance Bazaar
- Least Offer
- List of prime numbers
- Lucky Number
- Mall Parking System
- Member Manipulation
- Movie Ticket Calculation
- Number Palindrome
- Number of New Words
- Numerology number
- Numerology
- Palindrome
- Participant List Manipulation
- Password Generation
- Persist Employee
- PhoneBook Manipulation
- Placement Enrollment Count
- Player Selection System_JDBC
- Print unique characters
- Register a Candidate - User defined Exception(with throw and throws)
- Retrieve ID and Price of mobiles with in the range
- Retrieve customer count based on loan type
- Retriving Data from file
- Search a Course
- Search for Trains - JDBC
- Shape - Area Volume Calculator
- String Concatenation
- Students Details - Constructor
- Substitution Cipher Technique
- Ticket Price Calculation - Static
- Travel Agency
- Validate Name
- Validate PAN
- Vehicle-Loan-Insurance - Use Interface
- Visitors Details
- ZeeZee Bank
- Autowiring
- Billing Software Application
- Constructor Injection
- CurrencyConverter-Collections
- Customer-Address Inner Bean
- Customer-Address-Scope
- DBConfig-SetterBasedInjection
- EBanking
- EZEE Transport
- EngineAnalysis
- Go Go Parcel Service
- Passport Service
- Patient Management
- SpringAopDemo