This is a fork of the ljmerza/frigate_plate_recognizer repository, modified to be usable as an add-on with Home Assistant Operating System.
The script's YAML config has been mapped to the Addon configuration menu, need to add the necessary parameters before the addon could start. The formatting is the same as the original config (camera, objects and regions are list)
The addon is now using the python script without any modifications.
Identify license plates via Plate Recognizer or CodeProject.AI and add them as sublabels to blakeblackshear/frigate
Create a config.yml
file in your docker volume with the following contents:
mqtt_port: 1883 # Optional. Default shown.
mqtt_username: username
mqtt_password: password
main_topic: frigate
return_topic: plate_recognizer
frigate_plus: false
- driveway_camera
- car
min_score: .8
token: xxxxxxxxxx
- us-ca
logger_level: INFO
Update your frigate url, mqtt server settings. If you are using mqtt authentication, update the username and password. Update the camera name(s) to match the camera name in your frigate config. Add your Plate Recognizer API key and region(s).
You'll need to make an account (free) here and get an API key. You get up to 2,500 lookups per month for free. You will also need to enable car object detection for the cameras you want to use this with. See here on how to locally host Plate Recognizer.
You can specify a custom url for the plate_recognizer api by adding api_url
to your config:
api_url: http://HOST-IP:8080/v1/plate-reader
token: xxxxxxxxxx
- us-ca
You can also filter by zones and/or cameras. If you want to filter by zones, add zones
to your config:
# ...
- front_door
- back_door
If no objects are speficied in the Frigate options, it will default to [motorcycle, car, bus]
If you have a custom model with Frigate+ then it's able to detect license plates via an event's attributes, you can set frigate_plus
to true
in your config to activate this feature:
# ...
frigate_plus: true
license_plate_min_score: 0 # default is show all but can speficify a min score from 0 - 1 for example 0.8
max_attempts: 20 # Optional: if set, will limit the number of snapshots sent for recognition for any particular event.
If you're using CodeProject.AI, you'll need to comment out plate_recognizer in your config. Then add and update "api_url" with your CodeProject.AI Service API URL. Your config should look like:
# token: xxxxxxxxxx
# regions:
# - us-ca
docker run -v /path/to/config:/config -e TZ=America/New_York -it --rm --name frigate_plate_recognizer lmerza/frigate_plate_recognizer:latest
or using docker-compose:
image: lmerza/frigate_plate_recognizer:latest
container_name: frigate_plate_recognizer
- /path/to/config:/config
restart: unless-stopped
- TZ=America/New_York
set logger_level
in your config to DEBUG
to see more logging information:
logger_level: DEBUG
Logs will be in /config/frigate_plate_recognizer.log
If you want frigate-plate-recognizer to automatically save snapshots of recognized plates, add the following to your config.yml:
save_snapshots: True # Saves a snapshot called [Camera Name]_[timestamp].png
draw_box: True # Optional - Draws a box around the plate on the snapshot along with the license plate text (Required Frigate plus setting)
always_save_snapshot: True # Optional - will save a snapshot of every event sent to frigate_plate_recognizer, even if no plate is detected
Snapshots will be saved into the '/plates' directory within your container - to access them directly, map an additional volume within your docker-compose, e.g.:
image: lmerza/frigate_plate_recognizer:latest
container_name: frigate_plate_recognizer
- /path/to/config:/config
- /path/to/plates:/plates:rw
restart: unless-stopped
- TZ=America/New_York
If you want frigate-plate-recognizer to check recognized plates against a list of watched plates for close matches (including fuzzy recognition), add the following to your config.yml:
watched_plates: #list of plates to watch.
- ABC123
- DEF456
fuzzy_match: 0.8 # default is test against plate-recognizer / CP.AI 'candidates' only, but can specify a min score for fuzzy matching if no candidates match watched plates from 0 - 1 for example 0.8
If a watched plate is found in the list of candidates plates returned by plate-recognizer / CP.AI, the response will be updated to use that plate and it's score. The original plate will be added to the MQTT response as an additional original_plate
If no candidates match and fuzzy_match is enabled with a value, the recognized plate is compared against each of the watched_plates using fuzzy matching. If a plate is found with a score > fuzzy_match, the response will be updated with that plate. The original plate and the associated fuzzy_score will be added to the MQTT response as additional fields original_plate
and fuzzy_score
- name: "License plate"
state_topic: "frigate/plate_recognizer"
value_template: "{{ value_json.plate_number }}"
#unit_of_measurement: "na"
json_attributes_topic: "frigate/plate_recognizer"
icon: mdi:car