Boilerplate scripts for boostrapping simd nodes and relayer
Install the simd
binary from the ibc-go
git clone && cd ibc-go
make install
cargo install ibc-relayer-cli --bin hermes --locked
hermes version
Bootsrap two simd
chains. The following will clear any existing chain state under ./data
and create a new environment.
It bootstraps two single validator nodes for different simd
chains test-1
and test-2
The scripts create a couple of accounts, both for relayers and demo accounts.
make init
Restore keys for relayer wallets rly-1
and rly-2
make hermes-restore-keys
Create a connection from test-1
to test-2
. Note, this also creates ibc clients out of the box.
make hermes-setup-connection
Create an incentivized transfer channel.
make hermes-setup-channel
Start relaying.
make hermes-start
- Setup your ledger using LedgerLive and download the cosmos app.
- Create a new cosmos account address. Note that ibc simapp uses the
bech32 prefix. - Your device is now ready for testing using ibc simapp.
Where cosmos1kzjk9frgfgpguvdazesgpllwsggk8472xryjvr
is your ledger account address.
Add your ledger key:
simd keys add ledgerKey --ledger --home ./data/test-1
Fund your ledger account from one of the demo accounts - wallet1
simd tx bank send wallet1 cosmos1kzjk9frgfgpguvdazesgpllwsggk8472xryjvr 1000000stake --from wallet1 --chain-id test-1 --node tcp://localhost:16657 --home ./data/test-1 --keyring-backend test
Query balance of ledger account:
simd q bank balances cosmos1kzjk9frgfgpguvdazesgpllwsggk8472xryjvr --home ./data/test-1 --node tcp://localhost:16657
Regular bank send using ledger signing:
simd tx bank send cosmos1kzjk9frgfgpguvdazesgpllwsggk8472xryjvr cosmos17dtl0mjt3t77kpuhg2edqzjpszulwhgzuj9ljs 10stake --from ledgerKey --chain-id test-1 --ledger --node tcp://localhost:16657 --home ./data/test-1
IBC transfer using ledger signing:
simd tx ibc-transfer transfer transfer channel-0 cosmos17dtl0mjt3t77kpuhg2edqzjpszulwhgzuj9ljs 1000stake --from ledgerKey --chain-id test-1 --ledger --node tcp://localhost:16657 --home ./data/test-1