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Evedel: Instructed LLM Programmer/Assistant


This is a fledgling project. Expect bugs, missing features, and API instability.

Evedel is an Emacs package that adds a workflow for interacting with LLMs during programming. Its primary goal is to shift workload from manually writing code to creating detailed, thoughtful instruction annotations in the source files for LLM models, leveraging them as indexed references to provide them with contextual understanding of the working environment.

Evedel is versatile enough so that it can be utilized in various types of buffers, and isn’t limited to just programming buffers.



  • Uses gptel as a backend, so no extra setup is necessary if you already use it.
  • Uses overlays for tracking instructions instead of raw text, decoupling instructions from your raw text. The overlays are mostly intuitive and can be customized, and try not to interfere with the regular Emacs workflow.
  • Can save your instruction overlays so you won’t have to restart the labeling process each session.
  • Can categorize your references with tags, and use complex query expressions to determine what to sent to the model in directives.
  • Can easily cycle through between instruction overlays across all buffers.


  • gptel
  • Emacs version 29.1 or higher


Evedel’s function revolves around the creation and manipulation of references and directives within your Emacs buffers. Directives are prompts you send to the model, while references provide context to help complete these directives more accurately.



CommandCommand Description
evedel-create-referenceCreate or resize a reference instruction within a region.
evedel-create-directiveCreate or resize a directive instruction at point or within a region.
evedel-delete-instructionsRemove instructions either at point or within the selected region.
evedel-delete-allDelete all Evedel instructions across all buffers.
  • If the region mark started from outside the reference/directive overlay and a part of it is within the selected region, the instruction will be “shrunk” to fit the new region boundaries.
  • If the region mark started from inside the reference/directive overlay, the instruction will grow to include the entire new selection.

Below is an example of scaling existing instruction overlay (in this case, a reference) by invoking the evedel-create-reference command within a region that contains one:


Saving & Loading

CommandCommand Description
evedel-save-instructionsSave current instruction overlays to a specified file.
evedel-load-instructionsLoad instruction overlays from a specified file.
evedel-instruction-countReturn the number of instructions currently loaded.
Custom VariableVariable Description
evedel-patch-outdated-instructionsAutomatically patch instructions when the save file is outdated.

The variable evedel-patch-outdated-instructions controls the automatic patching of instructions during loading when the save file is outdated. The process is not perfect (word-wise diff), so you should always try and maintain a separate instruction file per branch.


CommandCommand Description
evedel-convert-instructionsConvert between reference and directive types at point.
evedel-modify-directiveModify an existing directive instruction at point.
evedel-modify-reference-commentaryModify reference commentary at the current point.
evedel-add-tagsAdd tags to the reference under the point.
evedel-remove-tagsRemove tags from the reference under the point.
evedel-modify-directive-tag-queryEnter a tag search query for a directive under the current point.
evedel-link-instructionsLink instructions by their ids.
evedel-unlink-instructionsUnlink instructions by their ids.
evedel-directive-undoUndo the last change of the directive history at point.
Custom VariableVariable Description
evedel-empty-tag-query-matches-allDetermines matching behavior of queryless directives
evedel-always-match-untagged-referencesDetermines matching behavior of untagged references



The categorization system in allows you to use tags to label and organize references. You can add or remove tags to a reference using the commands evedel-add-tags and evedel-remove-tags. Each tag is a symbolic label that helps identify the nature or purpose of the reference.

You can also modify the tag query for a directive, which is a way to filter and search for references by tags. The tag query uses an infix notation system, allowing complex expressions with the operators and, or, and not. For example, the query signature and function and doc means the directive should match references tagged with signature, function, and doc. You may use parentheses in these expressions.

Additionally, there are special meta tag symbols that have exclusive meanings:

  • is:bufferlevel: Returns only references that contain the entire buffer.
  • is:tagless: Returns references with no tags whatsoever.
  • is:directly-tagless: Returns references which may have inherited tags, but no tags of their own.
  • is:subreference: Returns references which have another reference as their parent.
  • is:with-commentary: Returns references that directly contain commentary text.
  • id:<positive-integer>: Returns references the id matched by positive-integer.

evedel-empty-tag-query-matches-all determines the behavior of directives without a tag search query. If set to t, directives lacking a specific tag search query will use all available references. Alternatively, if set to nil, such directives will not use any references, leading to potentially narrower results.

evedel-always-match-untagged-references controls the inclusion of untagged references in directive prompts. When set to t, untagged references are always incorporated into directive references, ensuring comprehensive coverage. Conversely, when set to nil, untagged references are ignored unless evedel-empty-tag-query-matches-all is set to t.


You can add commentaries to references with the evedel-modify-reference-commentary command. Commentaries can add extra context and information to a reference. Example:



References can be linked to one another, which sets up a dependency or of automatic inclusion relationship between the two. This means that when the first reference is utilized, it will automatically bring into play the reference it is linked to, as well. This chaining of references is recursive: if a linked reference is itself linked to another, and so forth, all these links will be followed automatically. This continues until either there are no more links to follow or a cycle is detected in the linkage graph.

Linked references are also included when a directive is executed from within a reference which links to another, in a similar fashion to commentaries.

Currently, linking is only relevant for references.


CommandCommand Description
evedel-process-directivesProcess directives by sending them to gptel.
evedel-preview-directive-promptPreview directive prompt at the current point.
Custom VariableVariable Description
evedel-descriptive-mode-rolesAlist mapping major modes to model roles association list

You can use the evedel-preview-directive-prompt command to do a dry-run and see how the AI prompt will look like. Here’s an example of previewing a directive prompt:


The evedel-process-directives command processes the directives.

  • If at point: sends the directive under the point.
  • If a region is selected: sends all directives within the selected region.
  • Otherwise, processes all directives in the current buffer.


CommandCommand Description
evedel-next-instructionCycle through instructions in the forward direction.
evedel-previous-instructionCycle through instructions in the backward direction.
evedel-next-referenceCycle through references in the forward direction.
evedel-previous-referenceCycle through references in the backward direction.
evedel-next-directiveCycle through directives in the forward direction.
evedel-previous-directiveCycle through directives in the backward direction.
evedel-cycle-instructions-at-pointCycle through instructions at the point, highlighting them.


Custom VariableVariable Description
evedel-reference-colorTint color for reference overlays
evedel-directive-colorTint color for directive overlays
evedel-directive-processing-colorTint color for directives being processed
evedel-directive-success-colorTint color for successfully processed directives
evedel-directive-fail-colorTint color for failed directives
evedel-instruction-bg-tint-intensityIntensity for instruction background tint
evedel-instruction-label-tint-intensityIntensity for instruction label tint
evedel-subinstruction-tint-intensityCoefficient for adjusting subinstruction tints


Evedel can be installed in Emacs out of the box with M-x package-install RET evedel. This installs the latest commit.

If you want the stable version instead, add MELPA-stable to your list of package sources:

(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "") t)

Then, install Evedel with M-x package-install RET evedel from these sources.

You can also optionally install markdown-mode to have its formatting in certain cases.


Download or clone the repository with

git clone

then run M-x package-install-file RET on the repository directory.


Evedel doesn’t require any additional setup and can be used straight after installation. Still, it is advised you customize keymaps for its commands. As a reference, I listed below my personal Evedel configuration:

(use-package evedel
  :defer t
  (customize-set-variable 'evedel-empty-tag-query-matches-all nil)
  :bind (("C-c e r" . evedel-create-reference)
         ("C-c e d" . evedel-create-directive)
         ("C-c e s" . evedel-save-instructions)
         ("C-c e l" . evedel-load-instructions)
         ("C-c e p" . evedel-process-directives)
         ("C-c e m" . evedel-modify-directive)
         ("C-c e C" . evedel-modify-reference-commentary)
         ("C-c e k" . evedel-delete-instructions)
         ("C-c e c" . evedel-convert-instructions)
         ("C->"     . evedel-next-instruction)
         ("C-<"     . evedel-previous-instruction)
         ("C-."     . evedel-cycle-instructions-at-point)
         ("C-c e t" . evedel-add-tags)
         ("C-c e T" . evedel-remove-tags)
         ("C-c e D" . evedel-modify-directive-tag-query)
         ("C-c e P" . evedel-preview-directive-prompt)
         ("C-c e /" . evedel-directive-undo)
         ("C-c e ?" . (lambda ()
                        (evedel-directive-undo t)))

Planned Features

Mark indicates previously planned features that have been implemented.

Instruction Navigation

  • [X] Basic cyclic navigation between instruction across buffers
  • [ ] Reference navigation based on a tag query

Reference Management

  • [X] Reference categorization via tags
  • [X] Filter references via tag query when sending directives
  • [ ] Tag autocompletion when writing directive tag query
  • [ ] Windows references: describe to the model the contents of a particular Emacs window.
  • [ ] Whole-Emacs references: describe to the model the entire status of the Emacs session.
  • [X] Reference commentary

Directive Management

  • [ ] Sequential execution of dependent directives
  • [ ] Interactive directive result diff & extra procedures
  • [ ] Automatic RAG


  • [ ] Auto-saving/loading
  • [X] Persistence with version controls, e.g. switching branches should not mess up the instructions [1].
  • [ ] Preservation of sub-instructions returned as part of a successful directive
  • [X] Instruction undoing/redoing history
  • [X] Better/more precise instruction selection resolution for tightly nested instructions

[1] While the current patching is able to fix outdated instructions pretty accurately, it is still a better idea to maintain a separate save file for each branch. This feature solves the problem where even the most minor change in the file completely broke the overlay structure.


  • [X] Ability to preview directive to be sent
  • [ ] Instruction help tooltips
