Homebase is a platform designed to let users create and manage DAOs on the Tezos blockchain.
The following dependencies are required to run homebase-app:
Dependency | Version |
Node | v18.20.0 or above |
Yarn | v1.22.* or above |
The following third party services are being used by Homebase:
Base URL: https://api.tzkt.io/
Endpoint | URL | METHOD |
Operations | /v1/accounts/${address}/operations | GET |
- Go to https://tezos-homebase.io/
- Click on the
Create a DAO
You will be taken to the DAO Creator, from which you will be asked to choose on the currently supported DAO templates.
- Select one of the supported DAO templates
- Fill the DAO creation form. You will be asked to fill:
DAO Settings:
- DAO Name: this will also be the name of the DAO's token.
- Token Symbol
- Description
Proposals and Voting:
Voting period duration
Required stake to propose
: required amount of DAO tokens to stake at the time of proposing. Currently follows the formula:b + proposalSize
. Where:- Proposal size is autocalculated based on the amount of transfers/registry updates (will get outdated soon on the contracts side)
- B is a constant amount of tokens
Returned stake after proposal rejection
Transfer amounts
(Treasury only): maximum and minimum amounts that can be transferred in a treasury proposal transfer. Currently only supportsXTZ
Quorum threshold
: currently a natural number representing the total amount of votes required for a proposal to pass. Each token staked in a vote operation represents a vote. Therefore, with a quorum threshold of 500, a vote that stakes 500 tokens would make the proposal pass.Maximum proposal size
Distribution Settings:
: initial token holder addresses and their initial balances. At least 1 is required.Administrator
- You will then be taken to the review page. From here, click the
button on the bottom right corner. - You will be redirected to the Launch screen. Do not close your browser tab until the whole process is complete (you are able to see and track progress by looking at the progress bar of this screen). You will be asked to connect your wallet if you haven't already, and then will be asked for 2 signatures: the first one originates the
Metadata Carrier
contract and the second one originates the actualDAO contract
. When the originations are complete you will see a success message and aGo to my DAO
Go to the home screen. From there you will see a list of all DAOs created in Homebase. They load in groups of 8 for load balancing (will be improved later on with indexer). There is a searchbar available, however, note that searches done using this bar will only yield DAOs that have been already fetched, it will not trigger additional async requests.
Specific DAOs can be explored by clicking on them in the home screen or by URL:
All DAOs, regardless of their template, have:
DAO page: contains all general DAO information. Here you can see:
- Current cycle
- Time left to vote
- DAO name and description
- DAO template type
- Token holders and their balances
- Active proposals
- Frozen tokens
- Voting addresses
Proposals page: contains all proposals related information and related actions. Here you can see:
- DAO name
New Proposal
button and creation modalExecute
button- Active proposals
- Frozen tokens
- Voting addresses
- Tables with all proposals, passed proposals and active proposals. Each proposal item contains:
- Title
- Hash
- Creation date and cycle
- Quorum reached vs quorum threshold
- For/Against votes vs total votes
Proposal detail page: contains all specific information about a proposal and vote actions. Here you can see:
- Breakdown of the proposal's details (transfers to execute, registry items to update, among others)
- Proposal title and description
- Status badge and history
- Quorum reached vs quorum threshold
- Proposer
- For and against votes, each with a detailed modal
- Vote for and against buttons and modals. Only enabled if proposal is active
Proposal creation modal: all proposal creation modals support multiple operations batched in the same proposal and also allow the user to batch upload transactions with a JSON file. This JSON should follow a specific signature, based on the template type of the DAO. See proposal JSON signatures for each template
Each DAO template has unique pages related to template specific actions. Also, the proposal creation modals are different across templates.
Registry page: this page contains a table where all registry items can be visualized, and a table that contains a history of all proposals that updated the registry.
Each registry item can be clicked to get a read-only modal that displays the item's key and full value, additionally, clicking the settings icon in each row opens a modal to create a proposal to edit the clicked item. This page also contains a New Item
button to create a proposal to add a new item.
Proposal types
There are 2 types of registry proposals:
- Edit proposals: used to edit one or several registry items
- Add proposals: used to add one or several items to the registry
At a contract level, there is no such distinction, but in the UI it exists to let the user create a new key or select a key from a dropdown of existing keys, depending on his intention.
Proposal JSON signature:
"foo": "baz",
"bar": "qux",
Holdings/Treasury page: this page contains a table with all DAO holdings organized by token (currently, only supporting XTZ
). And also contains a table with all outbound transfers made from the DAO.
Proposal JSON signature:
"amount": 15,
"recipient": "tz1RKPcdraL3D3SQitGbvUZmBoqefepxRW1x"
"amount": 20,
"recipient": "tz1Zqb3hBBN8wLcJYhADcasi1jZdp2YLdG3L"
To run the project:
- Make sure you have node installed
git clone git@github.com:dOrgTech/homebase-app.git
cd homebase-app
- Create a
file in the root, based on the.env.example
provided in the code and ask one of the maintainers for the Pinata API Key yarn dev
Execute (Flush): execute all passed proposals from periods previous to the last one. If the proposal is rejected or did not meet the quorum threshold, then the Execute operation removes it from the proposals list.
Administrator: address with permissions to mint, burn and transfer tokens in the DAO without a proposal. It is configured by the DAO creator and can be another contract (like a multisig)
Proposal size: metric that describes the size, in packed bytes, of a proposal's metadata. Therefore, the bigger the proposal arguments are (more transfers or more registry updates), the bigger the proposal size is.