PHPExcel module for Kohana 3.1.x
- Module URL:
- Compatible Kohana Version(s): 3.1.x
Kohana framework helper class to make spreadsheet creation easier
Place the module in the modules/phpexcel.
Install library PHPExcel. In the application/vendor/ create a directory phpexcel. Download from official website ( the latest version of the library PHPExcel, unzip and copy the entire contents of the directory classes/ in the application/vendor/.
In the application/bootstrap.php add module loading
'phpexcel' => MODPATH.'phpexcel',
$ws = new Spreadsheet(array(
'author' => 'Kohana-PHPExcel',
'title' => 'Report',
'subject' => 'Subject',
'description' => 'Description',
$as = $ws->get_active_sheet();
$sh = array(
1 => array('Day','User','Count','Price'),
2 => array(1, 'John', 5, 587),
3 => array(2, 'Den', 3, 981),
4 => array(3, 'Anny', 1, 214)
$ws->set_data($sh, false);
$ws->send(array('name'=>'report', 'format'=>'Excel5'));