This program tries to imitate the point cloud rendering from Radiohead's music video "House of Cards" making use of an ELP-960P2CAM-V90 stereo camera.
It uses OpenCV to calculate the disparities and reproject the points and OpenGL to render those points in real time.
All dependencies are managed with conan, the C / C++ Package Manager for Developers
A frame from the music video:
Output from program:
The output depending on the parameters, the type of algorithm and the initial calibration of the camera should be something like this:
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Install conan
- Open the terminal, cd to the cloned directory and
mkdir build
cd build
andconan install ..
$ cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16"
$ cmake --build . --config Release
Linux or Mac:
$ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build .
You will probably have to change the id of your camera, it's harcoded in the sources as deviceid
in main.cpp.
Also, make sure that shaders (vs, fs), config files (yml) and also plist (Mac) are in the working directory.