A web-based library of HTML patterns for UI components used by Cyberfinity websites.
In order to work on this project, you will need the following:
Once you have those, you can set up your local dev environment by running:
- Fetch the source code:
git clone ...
- Install dependencies:
npm i
For day to day development, your best bet is the local dev server. This will do the following:
- Clean dist folders
- Build CSS library
- Launch Fractal web server
- Begin watching source files for changes
- Any changes should trigger an automatic update in your web browser so you get a live preview
To kick it all off, simply run:
npm start
To build just the CSS library by itself from source, run:
npm run build
This will generate a dist/
folder containing the build output.
You can generate a static version of the style guide (suitable to be uploaded to a web server for sharing) by running:
npm run styleguide
This will generate a dist-sg/
folder containing the style guide and a copy of the CSS library.
Note, as a by-product, a dist/
folder containing only the CSS library will be generated as well. However, if you intend the host the style guide somewhere, there is no need to include this folder as a copy of its contents are also placed into dist-sg/