In this repository, I am going to show various examples using Java Collections Framework.
- Interface
- Implementations
- Algorithms
- Collection
- Set (and SortedSet) <= collection without duplicate elements
- List <= ordered collection
- Queue and Dequeue <= collection for holding elements before processing
- Map (and SortedMap) <= maps keys to values
- Sorting
- Shuffling
- Data Manipulation
- Searching
- Composition
- Extreme values
Iterable Interface
- Collection Interface
- List Interface
- ArrayList Class [ ✔️ ]
- LinkedList Class [ ✔️ ]
- Vector Class
- Stack Class [ ✔️ ]
- Queue Interface [ ✔️ ]
- PriorityQueue Class [ ✔️ ]
- Dequeue Interface [ ✔️ ]
- ArrayQueue Class
- Set Interface
- HashSet Class [ ✔️ ]
- LinkedHashSet Class
- SortedSet Class
- TreeSet Class
Map Interface
- HashMap Class [ ✔️ ]
- TreeMap Class
- LinkedHashMap Class
- SortedMap Class
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- HashSet
- HashMap
- HashTable
- Queue
- Stack
- DeQueue
- Sorting and Reverse sorting using Collections