Derivativo is derivative generation app that converts images, audio, video, office documents, and PDFs. This app provides media file processing functionality for Hyacinth.
- Ruby 3.2 (tested with Ruby 3.2.2)
- Redis 7
- ffmpeg (tested with version 4)
- libvips (tested with version 8.8)
- Apache Tika (tested with version 2.9)
- LibreOffice, for the
binary (tested with LibreOffice 7.5)
git clone # Clone the repo
cd ren-derivativo # Switch to the application directory
# Note: Make sure rvm has selected the correct ruby version. You may need to cd out of the directory and then cd back into it force rvm to use the ruby version specified in .ruby_version.
bundle install # Install gem dependencies
yarn install # this assumes you have node and yarn installed (tested with Node 8 and Node 10)
bundle exec rake derivativo:setup:config_files # Set up config files like redis.yml, resque.yml, and derivativo.yml
bundle exec rake db:migrate # Run database migrations
bundle exec rake derivativo:setup:default_users # Set up default Derivativo users
rails s -p 3000 # Start the application using rails server
And for faster React app recompiling during development, run this in a separate terminal window:
npm run start:dev
Note that some features (and the test suite) won't run properly if you don't have all of the dependent programs installed. Take a look at the Requirements section near the top of this README for the full list. In most cases it's easiest to install requirements using a package manager (Homebrew on a Mac, apt/yum on Linux, etc.) and they'll be placed on your path automatically. If you install dependent programs in a way that doesn't put them on your path, you can specify the path in config/derivativo.yml
ffmpeg_binary_path: '/path/to/ffmpeg'
ffmpeg_binary_path: '/path/to/ffprobe'
ghostscript_binary_path: '/path/to/gs'
Make sure not to set the above overrides if you want to use the binary on your path.
Note that the Tika jar location always needs to be specified in config/derivativo.yml
because it's not a standalone executable like other binaries and needs to be run with the java -jar
tika_jar_path: '/Applications/tika/tika-app-2.4.0.jar'
And depending on how you install LibreOffice, the internal office binary may not be on your path and you may need to specify the location in config/derivativo.yml
. On a standalone Mac installation of LibreOffice, you'd need to set the soffice_binary_path like this:
soffice_binary_path: '/Applications/'
But once again, omit this override if you want to refer to the version on your path.
There's an important thing that appears in a bunch of files:
At Columbia, we're running a lot of things on network-mounted disks and there's sometimes a delay between when a file is written and when that same file is actually readable on disk. We use the above method to wait for a just-written file to appear. And don't worry -- there's a wait timeout!
Our test suite runs Rubocop and then runs all of our ruby tests. Travis CI will automatically run the test suite for every commit and pull request.
With rubocop:
bundle exec rake derivativo:ci
Without rubocop:
bundle exec rake derivativo:ci_nocop
To run rubocop, just run: rubocop
To regenerate the .rubocop_todo.yml file and automatically create TODO items for any unresolved rubocop errors, just run:
rubocop --auto-gen-config --auto-gen-only-exclude --exclude-limit 10000
When installing Ruby 3.2.2 on an M1 mac, you might need to install like this:
rvm install 3.2.2 --with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl@3)
(For more details, see: rvm/rvm#5365)
is derived from from creative commons file:
is derived from Creative Commons file:
is derived from Creative Commons short film: