RESTful Backend API service for a fullstack web application.
To install and run the app locally, you need to have the following installed on your local system:
(configured with ssh) [link]node v.16.17.0
and above [link]Postman
to demo hit the APIs [link]
Prerequisite: You need to have ssh configured on your local system to clone this project using ssh.
- Clone the server side API service using the following command:
git clone
The above command will clone the organization repository. Incase you want to clone the forked repository, use the following command:
git clone
- You'll need to install the dependencies as well:
npm i
Make sure to have a valid .env file before running the following commands. You can view the .env.example file for reference.
To run the server in dev
mode, run the following command:
npm run start:dev
This serves the app on
unless you specify aPORT
number in the .env file.
This is a simple RESTful API that checks if there is a successful connection to the database.
- GET /healthz : Get the health of the API
- Response: 200 OK
- GET /healthz : Get the health of the API
- Response: 503 Service Unavailable
- PUT /healthz : Get the health of the API
- Response: 405 Method Not Allowed
- POST /healthz : Get the health of the API
- Response: 405 Method Not Allowed
- PATCH /healthz : Get the health of the API
- Response: 405 Method Not Allowed
- DELETE /healthz : Get the health of the API
- Response: 405 Method Not Allowed
- GET /* : Random API endpoint
- Response: 404 Not Found
- PUT /* : Random API endpoint
- Response: 404 Not Found
- POST /* : Random API endpoint
- Response: 404 Not Found
- PATCH /* : Random API endpoint
- Response: 404 Not Found
- DELETE /* : Random API endpoint
- Response: 404 Not Found
To run the test suite with unit/integration testing, use the following commands:
- To run the test suite in interactive mode:
npm run test:dev
- To run the test suite without interactive mode:
npm run test
To build the app and run the app in production mode, use the following command:
npm run build
We will use Docker
to containerize our application.
Head to
to install the Docker
service for the required OS.
If you're using a MacOS based workstation, use this link and follow the instructions mentioned to install Docker Desktop for MacOS
(Intel/Apple Silicon).
NOTE: Beginning with Docker Desktop 4.3.0,
has removed the hard requirement to install Rosetta 2. There are a few optional command line tools that still require Rosetta 2 when using Darwin/AMD64. See known issues. However, to get the best experience, we recommend that you install Rosetta 2. To install Rosetta 2 manually from the command line, run the following command:
softwareupdate --install-rosetta
To verify the installation, run:
docker version
Finally, create a docker hub account and login to your account through your terminal:
docker login -u <username>
To build a docker image, we need to first be in the root folder of the application where our Dockerfile
and .dockerignore
files are present.
This provides docker context as to what to build and from where. The .dockerignore
file is used to ignore files and folder from the build image. This reduces image overhead by not including things that are not required to build and run the image.
A basic Dockerfile
format looks like this:
FROM node:lts-alpine
WORKDIR /usr/src/webapp
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD ["npm", "run", "start:dev"]
More details on what each command does, is available in the official Docker documentation.
Once we have all the required docker files, we are now ready to build
a docker image.
To build images specific to your system hardware architecture, use the
command:# -t flag for tag name, -f flag for Dockerfile name # --no-cache tells docker to ignore any cached layers during the build process # the final `.` is used to represent the build-context docker build --no-cache -t <dockerhub_username>/<image_name>:<tag> -f <Dockerfile-name> .
To push the images to
docker hub
:# this pushes the docker images to the default docker hub. docker image push --all-tags <dockerhub_username>/<image_name>
To tag and push the docker image to another registry host (other than
):# tag the image docker -t <image_name>:<tag> <registry_host>/<username>/<image_name>:<tag> # push to registry host docker push <registry_host>/<username>/<image_name>:<tag>
To run a container locally based on a docker image, use the following command:
# -ti flag will attach to the container in interactive mode # -p flag is used to expose ports from container to local machine # --rm flag is used to delete the container once docker is closed docker run -ti --rm --name <container_name> -p <local_port>:<container_port> [registry_name]/<username>/<image_name>:<tag>
Clean all docker images, resources, containers and build cache using:
# `docker system df` shows total space docker objects currently use docker system prune -a -f
To build images for various architectures (multi-platform build), use the
CLI tool provided byDocker
:docker buildx create --use docker buildx ls docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -f <Dockerfile_name> --no-cache -t [registry_host]/<username>/<image_name>:<tag> -t [registry_name]<username>/<image_name>:<tag> .
Here are some other useful commands for working with Docker
- Docker logs:
docker logs <ID or container_name>
- Docker interactive shell:
docker exec -ti <ID or container_name> /bin/bash
- Docker stats:
docker stats <ID or container_name>
- Docker inspect:
docker inspect <ID or container_name>
- Docker pull:
docker pull <image_name>:<tag>
- Docker login (similar for other registry hosts):
- Dockerhub:
docker login
docker login
- Dockerhub:
- Limit CPU and Memory:
docker run --cpus=".1" -m "8m
indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
We will need kubernetes on our workstation to create clusters where we can run deployments to our application.
NOTE: The steps mentioned below are only applicable to MacOS, for other distros, please use the documentation to guide you through the installation process.
brew install minikube # for single cluster setups brew install kind # for multi-cluster setups # verify installation minikube version kind version
and set alias# check if you have `kubectl` since it comes pre-installed with `Docker` kubectl version # if not installed, use: brew install kubernetes-cli
To set an alias, edit your
file to include an alias forkubectl
.# manage `.zsh_aliases separately` alias k="kubectl"
Install power tools for k8s:
, kubectxand
kubens`We will use these tools extensively when working with k8s clusters.
# install k9s brew install k9s # validate k9s version k9s version # `kubectx` installs `kubens` as well brew install kubectx
, a powerful terminal window multiplexer toolbrew install tmux
TIP: Checkout sydrawat01/dotfiles for customization options for your terminal.
To create a cluster for our RESTful API, we will use the containerized image create and uploaded to a docker image hub, which will be used in our Deployment
resource. Additionally, we will also need to create a Service
resource that will expose our app through a LoadBalancer
via a targetPort
A ConfigMap
and a Secret
resource is required to configure the environment variables for the webapp
application and flyway
database migration configurations.
To create a k8s cluster, we will first need to start minikube:
minikube start
Create a namespace for our
deployment:k create namespace <ns-name> # to delete a namespace: k delete namespaces <ns-name>
Switch namespace from
to your<ns-name>
namespace (from the previous step):kubens <ns-name>
Create the cluster with all the resources:
k apply -f <path/to/>k8s/
Monitor the cluster using
To delete the cluster and its resources:
k delete -f <path/to/>k8s/
To stop minikube and delete all resources create by it, use:
minikube stop minikube delete --all # you will still need to manually delete the minikube docker image!