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Deep Reinforcement Learning mini-library with the aim of clear implementation of some algorithms.

The supported Deep Learning engine is TensorFlow > 2.0. An older version of the library, which supported the Multi-Backend Keras is available through the mb-keras branch.


To install trickster, simply run

pip3 install git+


The trickster library is organized around three basic concepts:

Environment: a game or some playground, where an entity can be placed into, interacting with the environment in the form of providing actions and receiving states and rewards.

Agent: the entity which acts in the environment.

Rollout: orchestrates the interactions between the Agent and the Environment.


A game or other playground, where a player or entity can be placed into, interacting with the environment in the form of providing actions and receiving states and rewards.

The environments used with Trickster must present an OpenAI Gym-like interface.


Available through trickster.agent

The agent is a wrapper around one or more tf.keras Models. This handles the learning and experience collection from the environment. Agents are written so that they are maximizing the expected reward of the environment they are interacting with.

All agent classes present the .from_environment() factory method, which inspects the action and observation spaces of an environment and automatically selects (relatively small) Neural Networks for running on the given environment.

These hardcoded architectures can be overriden by passing an architecture to the factory method


Available in trickster.rollout.

Rollout is the concept of combining an agent with an environment. There are two types of rollouts in Trickster:

  • Trajectory: a complete trajectory from start to the 'done' flag. It can be used for testing an agent or for Monte Carlo learning.
  • Rolling: this type of rollout is for Time Difference learning. A fixed number of steps are executed in the environment. The environment is reset whenever a done flag is received.

Both Trajectory and Rolling are available in a multi-environment configuration for parallel execution of environment instances. These classes are called:

  • MultiTrajectory: Trivially parallelizable, yet I didn't have time to parallelize it as of today...
  • MultiRolling: Roll the agent in several environments.

Rollout types expect the following constructor arguments:

  • agent: an object of one of the Agent subclasses.
  • env: in non-multi classes. An object, presenting the Gym Environment interface
  • envs: in multi classes. A list of environments, which can't have the same object ID.
  • config: in non-multi classes. An instance of RolloutConfig. Optional, see defaults below.
  • rollout_configs: in multi classes. Either an instance of RolloutConfig or one for every env passed.

Trajectory type rollouts present the following public methods:

  • rollout(verbose, push_experience, render): sample a complete trajectory. Optionally save the experience or render.

Rolling type rollouts present the following public methods:

  • roll(steps, verbose, push_experience): execute the environment/agent for a given number of timesteps.

Both rollout types present a fit() method, which orchestrates basic learning functionality. See the docstrings for documentation and argument list.

Working Examples

Working examples are available in the repo under the examples folder. Not all algorithms converge on all environments. Please note that hyperparameters are not optimized for these runs.


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