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This is an adapatation of Angular 1 image cropper from: An image cropping tool for AngularJS. Features a rectangular crop area. The crop area's aspect ratio can be enforced during dragging. The crop image can either be 1:1 or scaled to fit an area.
npm i ng2-img-cropper --save
npm install
npm run all
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {ImageCropperComponent, CropperSettings} from 'ng2-img-cropper';
selector: 'test-app',
template: `<div>
<img-cropper [image]="data" [settings]="cropperSettings"></img-cropper><br>
<img [src]="data.image" [width]="cropperSettings.croppedWidth" [height]="cropperSettings.croppedHeight">
declarations: [ImageCropperComponent]
export class AppComponent {
data: any;
cropperSettings: CropperSettings;
constructor() {
this.cropperSettings = new CropperSettings();
this.cropperSettings.width = 100;
this.cropperSettings.height = 100;
this.cropperSettings.croppedWidth = 100;
this.cropperSettings.croppedHeight = 100;
this.cropperSettings.canvasWidth = 400;
this.cropperSettings.canvasHeight = 300; = {};
Checkout this sample plunker
- canvasWidth:number - Canvas DOM Element width
- canvasHeight:number - Canvas DOM Element height
- width:number - Crop Width
- height:number - Crop Height
- minWidth:number - Minimum crop Width
- minHeight:number - Minimum crop height
- croppedWidth:number - Resulting image width
- croppedHeight:number - Resulting image height
- touchRadius:number - (default: 20) Touch devices radius for the corner markers
- centerTouchRadius:number (default: 20) - Touch devices radius for the drag center marker
- minWithRelativeToResolution:boolean - (default: true) By default the resulting image will be cropped from original image. If false, it will be cropped from canvas pixels
- noFileInput:boolean - (default: false) - hides the file input element from cropper canvas.
- cropperDrawSettings:CropperDrawSettings - rendering options
- strokeWidth:number - box/ellipsis stroke width
- strokeColor:string - box/ellipsis stroke color
- allowedFilesRegex:RegExp - (default: /.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i) - Regex for allowed images
- preserveSize:boolean - will not scale the resulting image to the croppedWidth/croppedHeight and will output the exact crop size from original
- fileType:string - if defined all images will be converted to desired format. sample: cropperSample.fileType = 'image/jpeg'
- compressRatio:number (default: 1.0) - default compress ratio
- dynamicSizing: (default: false) - if true then the cropper becomes responsive - might introduce performance issues on resize;
- cropperClass: string - set class on canvas element;
- croppingClass: string - appends class to cropper when image is set (#142);
- resampleFn: Function(canvas) - function used to resample the cropped image (#136); - see example #3 from runtime sample app
- cropOnResize:boolean (default: true) - if true the cropper will create a new cropped Image object immediately when the crop area is resized
- markerSizeMultiplier:number (default: 1) - A variable that control the corner markers' size
- showCenterMarker:boolean (default: true) - if true, the drag center marker is visible
Replacing component file input:
<div class="file-upload">
<span class="text">upload</span>
<input id="custom-input" type="file" (change)="fileChangeListener($event)">
<img-cropper #cropper [image]="data" [settings]="cropperSettings"></img-cropper>
<span class="result rounded" *ngIf="data.image" >
<img [src]="data.image" [width]="cropperSettings.croppedWidth" [height]="cropperSettings.croppedHeight">
@ViewChild('cropper', undefined)
constructor() {
this.cropperSettings = new CropperSettings();
this.cropperSettings.noFileInput = true; = {};
fileChangeListener($event) {
var image:any = new Image();
var file:File = $[0];
var myReader:FileReader = new FileReader();
var that = this;
myReader.onloadend = function (loadEvent:any) {
image.src =;
- Dist package cleanup (PR by: @leosvelperez)
- Made compatible with Angular 4 && AOT
- CR: #148 - removed ts files from output package.
- fix for #150 - made fileType undefined as default. if defined it will enforce output format
- added dynamicSizing, cropperClass for responsive purposes
- added reset() method on ImageCropperComponent - fix for #118
- added compressRatio as parameter in the cropper settings
- 21 Bugs in the code, I fixed 3, (hopefully not) 30 Bugs in the code
- Fixed #87 get unsacled crop of image
- update for AngularJS 2.0.1
- removed typings
- fixed aspect ratio issue
- made cropper property public
- added onmouseleave behavior
- Fixed issue #49 - Error on reading exif
- Parsed EXIF information for image orientation
- fixed multiple browser compatibility issues
- added accepted files regex
- updated to Angular RC5
- introduced flag to hide the component file input in order to allow customization
- added pinch/zoom feature for touch devices
- introduced rounded cropper: cropperSettings.rounded = true. Making keep aspect = false will throw an error on rounded cropper. (Issue #14)
- cropper takes into consideration source image data pixels not cropper image data. (Issue #17)
- support for minSize now have the following option: minWithRelativeToResolution. When set to false it will keep min size relative to canvas size. (Issue #21)
- allow user to customize look and feel of the cropper:
this.cropperSettings.cropperDrawSettings.strokeColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; this.cropperSettings.cropperDrawSettings.strokeWidth = 2;
Starting with: 0.4.2 ts files are no loger published (only js & d.ts). Please change your system.config files to make use of the js files.
'ng2-img-cropper' : { main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js' }