Discover the power of personalized playlists tailored to your mood and activities with Moodify!
- Effortless playlist generation based on mood, activities, and your listening history.
- Seamless Spotify account integration for a personalized music experience.
- Directly send and regenerate playlists with customized preferences.
- Automatic creation of shared playlists with friends for a collaborative music experience.
- Integrate with your Spotify account to generate personalized playlists.
- Input bar with fuzzy matching (NLP model) for precise mood mapping to Spotify API seeds.
- Dynamic playlist creation based on entered moods and song play history.
- Shareable playlist links for easy music sharing with friends.
- Integration of Chat GPT API in the search bar for refined mood inputs and more accurate playlist generation.
Elevate your music journey with Moodify - where your mood sets the rhythm! 🎶

Clone the repository
$ git clone
From the root of the repository run the following command to download dependencies:
$ cd client && npm i && cd ../server && npm i && cd ..
NPM install in both the backend and frontend directories.
To run the frontend navigate to the /client directory and run npm run dev - i.e.
$ cd client && npm run dev
To run the backend navigate to the /server directory and run npm run dev - i.e.
# cd server && npm run dev