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v0.2.0 (CRAN)

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@RLumSK RLumSK released this 08 Dec 11:21
· 279 commits to master since this release

BayLum 0.2.0 (2020-12-06)

Note: This package version needs at least R >= 3.5.0.

Bugfixes & changes

  • AgeS_Computation()
    • Now stops if a mismatch was encountered between the number of
      samples and the matrix provided via THETA to prevent a ‘JAGS’
      runtime error
    • The function experimentally gained a new argument jags_method
      to support full automated processing in parallel using the R
      package 'runjags'; including a ... argument for a more
      detailed control. By default the calculation is done simply via
      'rjags' as usual
  • Age_OSLC14()
    • Add additional output to enhance output table by additional
      information (#11)
    • The CSV-file option now returns the age and the HPD intervals
    • The bugs model for the gaussian distribution did not work due
      to a wrongly set index (#13); fixed.
    • If a small number of samples was used and the first was a C-14
      sample JAGS crashed; now it throws are more comprehensible error
      message (#14).
  • Generate_DataFile_MG()
    • now works only on preselected records; the limitation of OSL
      only was removed.
  • plot_Ages()
    • The sorting of the samples in the graph did not work as
      expected; along with this a new argument sample_order was
    • The function accepts a data.frame as alternative input, if the
      data.frame is similar the data frames created by the
      computation functions (e.g., AgeS_Computation()). This option
      enables the manual creation of age plots from self-compiled
  • plot_MCMC()
    • Accidentally the function could not display the chains from more
      than 9 samples; fixed (thanks to Maryam Heydari)
    • Now the function understand the output of AgeS_Computation()
      for an automated treatment
    • Wrong variable names now lead to a warning instead of a
      stop. This is less aggressive and it makes the function easier
      to use by users who only use the plot functionality of
  • plot_Scatterplots()
    • Line breaks and leading and trailing white space is now removed
      from the character (vector) provided via sample_names
    • If the number of selected samples via sample_selection was
      shorter than the number of names provided by sample_names the
      function returned an subscript out of bounds error; fixed
      (reported by Maryam Heydari)


  • All models now come with an example showing how they can be
    inspected (before the examples not working)
  • Fix a couple of documentation glitches (e.g., part of the
    documentation was missing)
  • Smooth the creation of BayLum.list objects using a central
    internal function
  • Add new C-14 calibration data and unify the names of those datasets.
    Allowed inputs are
    "IntCal13","IntCal20","Marine13","Marine20", "SHCal13",
    "SHCal20" or an own dataset which must be stored in a CSV-file.

New functions

  • create_ThetaMatrix() this function is a helper to create the theta
    matrix that can be provided as input for the functions
    AgeS_Computation() and Age_OSLC14()
  • create_FolderTemplates() creates the folder and file structures
    required by Generate_DataFile() and Generate_DataFile_MG() on
    the user’s hard drive