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Eric Pailleau edited this page Feb 25, 2020 · 5 revisions

rebar 3

Please see geas_rebar3 plugin repository. Available also on .

Note : Since version 2.6, environment variables GEAS_* can be set in rebar.config in minuscule atoms, without geas_ prefix, for plugin. For example : GEAS_RANGE=">=19.2 < 21.3" can be written as {geas, [{range, ">=19.2 <21.3"}]}. Boolean values can be Erlang boolean.

rebar 2.x

Simply add those entries in your rebar.config .

{plugins, [geas]}.

{deps, [{geas, ".*",
        {git, "git://"}}

then run

$> rebar get-deps
$> rebar compile

Geas plugin is then available by typing

$> rebar geas
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