This project is a Telegram bot that allows users to set up stock price alerts. The bot uses Yahoo Finance to get real-time stock prices and notifies users when their target price is reached.
- Set alerts for stock prices to notify when they go above or below a specified target.
- View current alert configurations.
- Remove existing alerts.
- Persistent storage of alert configurations using a JSON file.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
git clone
cd telegram-stock-alert-bot
Edit sample.env and type ypur telegram token. and your bot password (and not necesary rename to ".env")
Use the provided
script to build and deploy the container:
This will build the Docker image and start the container in detached mode.
To stop and remove the Docker container, use the provided
- /start: Welcome message and usage instructions.
- /help: Help message with usage instructions.
- /set <UP/DOWN>: Set an alert for a stock ticker at the target price in the specified direction (UP or DOWN).
- /config: View the current alert configurations.
- /remove : Remove the alert for the specified stock ticker.
- Set an alert:
/set AAPL 150.00 UP
- View current configurations:
- Remove an alert:
/remove AAPL
The bot logs its activity to stocks_bot.log
. You can view the log file to monitor the bot's activity and debug issues.
This project is licensed under the GNUv3 License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Maintained by CROKETILLO.