With option -C
clones a set of repos from a specified organization.
If -C
is omitted and the command is executed inside a repo, the cloned repos will be added as submodules to the current repo.
gh extension install crguezl/gh-submodule-add
or you can use this other location:
gh extension install gh-cli-for-education/gh-submodule-add
Node.js has to be installed. To have fzf installed is convenient but not essential.
Usage: gh submodule-add [options] [organization] -- [git submodule options]
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --search <query> search <query> using GitHub Search API
-r, --regexp <regexp> filter <query> results using <regexp>
-c, --csr <comma separated list of repos> the list of repos is specified as a comma separated list
-f, --file <file> file with the list of repos, one per line
-k, --fork <value> Include fork repos. Legal values: "true", "only", "false". Default is "true"
-n --dryrun just show what repos will be added as submodules
-C --clone clone only. Skip submodule adds and aborbgitdirs steps
-o --org <org> organization or user
--default Implies "-o <org>". Set "org" as default organization for future uses
-D --depth <depth> Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to <depth> number of commits
-d, --debug output extra debugging
-p --parallel <int> number of concurrent processes during the cloning stage (default: 2)
-h, --help display help for command
- If the organization is not explicitly specified, the selection will be done interactively among the list of your organizations
- You can set the default organization through the "--default" option for future uses of this program
- If no repos are specified the selection of repos will be done interactively among the repos in the org
- Option '-s' assumes all the repos belong to the same org
- When called with option '-s .', the dot '.' refers to all the repos. fzf will be open to select the repos
- The current folder must be the root of a git repo unless options '-n' or '-C' are used
- When in fzf, use CTRL-A to select all, tab to select/deselect
The following example clones all the repos from org ULL-MFP-AET-2122
that are in the GitHub Classroom Assignment latex-markdown
and match the regular expression /marrero|maury|coell/
gh submodule-add -C -o ULL-MFP-AET-2122 -s latex-markdown -r 'marrero|maury|coell'
cloning with 2 concurrent processes ...
[0] Clonando en 'latex-markdown-alejandro-marrero-diaz-alu100825008'...
[1] Clonando en 'latex-markdown-adela-gonzalez-maury-alu0101116204'...
[0] git clone https://github.com/ULL-MFP-AET-2122/latex-markdown-alejandro-marrero-diaz-alu100825008.git exited with code 0
[2] Clonando en 'latex-markdown-anabel-coello-perez-alu0100885200'...
[1] git clone https://github.com/ULL-MFP-AET-2122/latex-markdown-adela-gonzalez-maury-alu0101116204.git exited with code 0
[2] git clone https://github.com/ULL-MFP-AET-2122/latex-markdown-anabel-coello-perez-alu0100885200.git exited with code 0
I use this extension in combination with these two alias:
$ gh alias set cd '!gh config set current-org "$1" 2>/dev/null'
$ gh alias set pwd !'gh config get current-org'
Example of use:
$ gh cd ULL-MII-SYTWS-2122
$ gh pwd
$ gh cd ''
$ gh pwd
In 2024 GitHub Classroom changed the way student repositories are created for
assignments: they are forked from the templates. Use the -k -fork
option to clone the students repositories
Here follows an example. I f you use -k only
only the forked repositories will be cloned:
➜ aprender-markdown gh submodule-add -k only -s aprender
Error!: Unless one of the options "-n" or "-C" are used, the current folder must be the root of a git repo when running this command!
➜ aprender-markdown git init .
Inicializado repositorio Git vacío en /Users/casianorodriguezleon/campus-virtual/2425/dmsi2425/practicas-alumnos/aprender-markdown/.git/
➜ aprender-markdown git:(main) gh submodule-add -k only -s aprender
cloning with 2 concurrent processes ...
[0] Clonando en 'aprender-markdown-aaron-ramirez-valencia-alu0101438238'...
[1] Clonando en 'aprender-markdown-casiano-rodriguez-leon-alu0100291865'...
[1] git clone https://github.com/ULL-ESIT-DMSI-2425/aprender-markdown-casiano-rodriguez-leon-alu0100291865.git exited with code 0
[2] Clonando en 'aprender-markdown-alejandro-melian-lemes-alu0101443126'...
[0] git clone https://github.com/ULL-ESIT-DMSI-2425/aprender-markdown-aaron-ramirez-valencia-alu0101438238.git exited with code 0
[2] git clone https://github.com/ULL-ESIT-DMSI-2425/aprender-markdown-alejandro-melian-lemes-alu0101443126.git exited with code 0
Inside urls.forEach
Agregando el repositorio existente en 'aprender-markdown-aaron-ramirez-valencia-alu0101438238' al índice
Migrando directorio git de 'aprender-markdown-aaron-ramirez-valencia-alu0101438238' desde
'/Users/casianorodriguezleon/campus-virtual/2425/dmsi2425/practicas-alumnos/aprender-markdown/aprender-markdown-aaron-ramirez-valencia-alu0101438238/.git' hacia
Agregando el repositorio existente en 'aprender-markdown-casiano-rodriguez-leon-alu0100291865' al índice
Migrando directorio git de 'aprender-markdown-casiano-rodriguez-leon-alu0100291865' desde
'/Users/casianorodriguezleon/campus-virtual/2425/dmsi2425/practicas-alumnos/aprender-markdown/aprender-markdown-casiano-rodriguez-leon-alu0100291865/.git' hacia
Agregando el repositorio existente en 'aprender-markdown-alejandro-melian-lemes-alu0101443126' al índice
Migrando directorio git de 'aprender-markdown-alejandro-melian-lemes-alu0101443126' desde
'/Users/casianorodriguezleon/campus-virtual/2425/dmsi2425/practicas-alumnos/aprender-markdown/aprender-markdown-alejandro-melian-lemes-alu0101443126/.git' hacia
➜ aprender-markdown git:(main) ✗ ls -la
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 7 casianorodriguezleon staff 224 20 sep 12:37 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 casianorodriguezleon staff 128 18 sep 11:37 ..
drwxr-xr-x@ 11 casianorodriguezleon staff 352 20 sep 12:37 .git
-rw-r--r--@ 1 casianorodriguezleon staff 708 20 sep 12:37 .gitmodules
drwxr-xr-x@ 7 casianorodriguezleon staff 224 20 sep 12:36 aprender-markdown-aaron-ramirez-valencia-alu0101438238
drwxr-xr-x@ 7 casianorodriguezleon staff 224 20 sep 12:37 aprender-markdown-alejandro-melian-lemes-alu0101443126
drwxr-xr-x@ 7 casianorodriguezleon staff 224 20 sep 12:37 aprender-markdown-casiano-rodriguez-leon-alu0100291865