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Security: creepersbs/register

Terms of the service


By using my service you allow me (CreeperHUB/Giocoliere) to manually remove your website/server/subdomain at the eventuality of a Code Of Conduct breach, and to check that you wont use our service I will check on your service/website/etc.. every time i want to do it. If you get banned and think its a false ban please contact me at (faster)

By using this service you allow us also to not use this list of domains if under the main root:
1 -every country/continent code, such as, or others like that, (you are able to use any subdomains of country codes only like this:
2 - shop, store or ecommerce domains that can be missunderstood for official subdomains
3 - mc or play domains, we dont have an official minecraft server: you still can take mc/
4 - about, translate, status, whois, and any other official subdomain... since those are domains planned to be used by own project
5 - all the domains listed in the reserved folder, this one - > folder link
6 - any social name, our official socials can't be missunderstood by any subdomain you might register

Reporting a Vulnerability

You can report low severity bugs as issues on here or either reporting to @me via Discord.

However, for higher severity vulnerabilities, bugs or Contact Violations, please email and I'll try to fix the issue as fast as possible.

There aren’t any published security advisories