Working Draft, Technical Specification for C++ Extensions for Parallelism, Document N4505
Document Number: N4506
Date: 2015-05-05
Project: Programming Language C++
Project Number: TS 19570
Reply-to: Jared Hoberock
NVIDIA Corporation
Parallelism TS Editor's Report, post-Lenexa mailing
N4505 is the latest Parallelism TS Working Draft. It contains editorial and technical changes to the Parallelism TS to apply the following revisions:
- N4274 - Relaxing Packing Rules for Exceptions Thrown by Parallel Algorithms - Proposed Wording (Revision 1)
- Feature test macro for the Parallelism TS
N4505 updates the previous draft, N4407, published in the pre-Lenexa mailing.
N4507 is document N4505 reformatted as a TS document. It updates N4409, which was published in the pre-Lenexa mailing.
Technical Changes
- Applied N4274, which relaxes the exception packaging rules for exceptions thrown by parallel algorithms. Additionally, changed instances of "terminates with (exception)" phrasing to "exits via (exception)", as directed by the Library Working Group.
- Introduced the feature test macro
for the functionality of the Parallelism TS as directed by SG1.
Editorial Changes
- Promoted subsection 1.3.1, which was incorrectly grouped under section 1.3, to section 1.4.