DCSS Web-tile Standalon Server Docker
This is Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup web-tile standalone server. If you try to make offical recode server please read this and support from IRC.
Build from the dockerfile
$ git clone dfdgsdfg/DCSS-webtile-standalone-docker
$ cd DCSS-webtile-standalone-docker
$ sudo docker build -t crawl .
To spawn a new instance of DCSS on port 80. The -p 80:80 maps the internal docker port 80 to the outside port 80 of the host machine.
$ sudo docker run --name crawl -d -p 80:80 -v /Users/me/var/docker/crawl-data/:/data crawl
Start your newly created docker.
$ sudo docker start crawl
After starting the DCSS check to see if it started and the port mapping is correct. This will also report the port mapping between the docker container and the host machine.
$ sudo docker ps -> 80/tcp crawl
You can the visit the following URL in a browser on your host machine to get started: