This is the README file associated to the repository
Author : Jean-Baptiste Courbot
The code provided is licensed under the CeCILL-B licence available in Licence_CeCILL-B.txt. The implications are the following : "CeCILL-B follows the principle of the popular BSD license and its variants (Apache, X11 or W3C among others). In exchange for strong citation obligations (in all software incorporating a program covered by CeCILL-B and also through a Web site), the author authorizes the reuse of its software without any other constraints."
When using these codes, please cite : Courbot, J. B., Mazet, V., Monfrini, E., & Collet, C. (2017). Extended faint source detection in astronomical hyperspectral images. Signal Processing, 135, 274-283.
The code is a prototypical implementation of the hypothesis testing detection method described in this paper.
To install this package, please run python install in the main package folder.
Once installed, all package components are available using from heolht import *
To run a demo of the files, please run the python file './lib/'. This file should be self-explanatory with regards to the input parameters and the methods from the paper.
The sphinx-generated documentation is available from ./doc/_build/html/index.html.
The proposed codes are, with respect to the paper, in their most advanced form. If you spot any bug, feel free to contact the author (website above). Any contribution on model & algorithms implementations are of course welcome.
That's all folks !