This document guides through the compilation and execution of the standalone program for the measurement of the communication performance of GCL.
- Checkout =========== The sources can be found in the SVN repository:
The directory contains:
- gcl: a snapshot of the Generic Communication Library
- HaloExchangeTests: the standalone program
Before continuing, make sure the environment is prepared for the compilation. This includes switching to the desired programming environment (only PrgEnv-gnu has been tested on Cray machines), loading the cmake module, boost and the CUDA toolkit.
- Building the GCL =================== Enter the gcl directory and create a "build" directory (the exact name matters). Locate the path to the boost headers.
$ boost=
Create and enter a build directory and compile with cmake
$ cd gcl; mkdir build; cd build
$ export CXX=CC (or any g++ compiler for non Cray machines)
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=$boost -DGCL_MPI=ON -DGCL_GPU=ON (-DUSE_MPI_COMPILER=ON for non Cray machines)
$ make
As a result, the library gcl/lib/libgcl.a should exist.
- Building the standalone executable ===================================== Enter the HaloExchangeTest directory. Locate the suitable Options.### file and create the link:
$ ln -s Options.### Options
Make sure the environment is consistent with the Options file, then compile:
CPU: $ make cpu
GPU: $ make gpu
This will create the CommTest executable.
Running the standalone executable ==================================== The standalone program provides the following customization switches:
Flag Meaning Default
--lperi_x Pass to enable periodicity in x false --lperi_y Pass to enable periodicity in y false --l2dim Pass to do the two-dimensional test false
--nprocx=n Size of the processes grid in x direction 1 --nprocy=n Size of the processes grid in y direction 1
--ie=n Size of the field in x direction 128 --je=n Size of the field in y directio 112 --ke=n Size of the field in z direction 60 --nblines=n Number of boundary lines (halo) 3 --nbl_exchg=n Number of boundary lines to exchange (halo) 3
--enable-Fortran Enble the fotran test enabled --enable-GCL Enable the GCL test disabled --nGCLHandlers=n Number of GCL handlers 1 --ntracer-perHander=n How many tracers are exchanged by each GCL handler 50
For the GPU version to work, the environment variable MPICH_RDMA_ENABLED_CUDA must be exported with the value 1: