This project aim to study REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon
We took the location of each project from the VERRA registry: We thus download the KML file from the registry, merge every layer of the file into a unique geometry and convert it to Shapefile format. We did this using QGIS software. Must of the KML files need only one process: Colect geometries. Some of them, though, needed also to have a "merge scattered layers" process. --> In particular, the project 1663 needed to first be converted to polygon since, the project contained five different shapes and the actual project area was the shape defined as a line
** Getting Started **
You need R version at least 4.3.1 Packages: - Groundhog - Here
The other will be installed if needed!
** Ignoring files **
Do to large size of some files, we needed to set them in .gitignore. In the 'results' directory, only large 'tenure_projects_data' needed to be ignored. This is the datasets created by 'merge_property_data.R' script.