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dotnet add package Core.TaskProcessor

.NET Background Task Processing Engine

Hangfire Pro Redis except:

  • open source (Apache 2.0)
  • exclusive redis/valkey/elasticache 6.2+ storage engine (cluster mode supported)
  • multi tenancy
  • global pause and resume of all processing
  • batch cancelation can abort in process tasks "instantly"
  • easy to access batch statistics per tenant
  • async extension points with access to batch information

Initialization in AspNetCore

builder.Services.AddTaskProcessor((sp, options) =>
    options.Redis = "localhost:6379,abortConnect=false";
    options.Prefix = "{coretask}"; // redis cluster mode needs single hash slot
    options.Queues = ["high", "default", "low"]; // pop queues from left to right - first non empty queue wins
    options.MaxWorkers = 4; // action block concurrency limit
    options.Retries = 3; // if tasks fails x times its discarded or deadlettered
    options.Invisibility = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); // task will be redelivered when taking longer than this
    options.BaseFrequency = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); // fetches tasks when reactive events failed
    options.PushbackFrequency = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); // how often to run task retry/delay pushbacks
    options.CleanUpFrequency = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); // how often to run batch cleanups
    options.Retention = TimeSpan.FromDays(7); // batch information will be kept this long
    options.Deadletter = true; // move failed tasks to deadletter queues
    options.DeadletterSchedules = false; // ignore deadletter for schedules or unique ones will pause indefinatly
    options.UseCronSeconds = false; // * * * * *
    options.OnTaskFailedDelay = (_, retry) => // delay retry on task failure
        Task.FromResult(retry switch
            2 => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
            1 => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
            _ => (TimeSpan?)null
    options.OnTaskError = (_, exception) =>
            .LogError(exception, "Task Error");

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Enqueue single task

var taskId = await _processor.EnqueueTaskAsync("default", "my-tenant",
  _someScopedService.DoSomethingAsync("hello", CancellationToken.None),
  delayUntil: DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(5));

Enqueue batch tasks

var batchId = await _processor.EnqueueBatchAsync("default", "my-tenant", batch =>
    batch.Enqueue(() => _someScopedService.DoSomethingAsync("hello", CancellationToken.None));
    batch.Enqueue(() => _someScopedService.DoSomethingAsync("world", CancellationToken.None), 
      delayUntil: DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(30));

    batch.ContinueWith(() => _someScopedService.DoSomething("!"), "high");

What functions can be invoked?

  • static functions
  • functions on types resolveable by the IServiceProvider (scoped interfaces preferred)
  • return type of void or Task
  • all parameters need to be json serializable with the default implementation (custom implementations possible)
  • constant parameters are fastest, yet complex lists and objects are also possible (dynamic invoked)
  • only the first method call will run in background - all parameters will be evaluated at enqueue time
  • beware of functions in strongly named assemblys

Append tasks to batch (warning: continuations will run only once)

await _processor.AppendBatchAsync("default", "my-tenant", batchId, batch =>
    batch.Enqueue(() => _someScopedService.DoSomethingAsync("hello 2", CancellationToken.None));
    batch.Enqueue(() => _someScopedService.DoSomethingAsync("world 2", CancellationToken.None));

Cancel batch

await _processor.CancelBatchAsync(batchId);

Schedule tasks

await _processor.UpsertScheduleAsync(new ScheduleData
    Id = "unique-schedule-id",
    Tenant = "my-tenant",
    Queue = "default",
    Scope = "Send hourly email",
    Cron = "0 */1 * * *",
    Timezone = "Etc/UTC",
    Unique = true // if task is enqueued from previous cycle and hasn't completed yet, this cycle will be skipped
}, () => _someScopedService.DoSomethingAsync("scheduled task", CancellationToken.None));

Cancel schedule

await proc.CancelScheduleAsync("unique-schedule-id", "my-tenant");

Get runtime infos

await proc.GetBatchesAsync("my-tenant", 0, 25);
await proc.GetTasksInQueueAsync("low", 0, 25);

custom background worker

If you need to integrate another ioc solution set UseHostedService = false and provide a custom one. Executor.InvokeAsync has an Type to instance resolver callback.

class CustomExecutorService : BackgroundService
    private readonly ITaskProcessor _processor;
    private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;

    public TaskExecutorService(ITaskProcessor processor, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        _processor = processor;
        _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

        processor.Execute = Execute;

    private async Task Execute(TaskContext ctx)
        await using var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateAsyncScope();

        if (ctx.Topic == "internal:expression:v1")
            await _processor.Executor.InvokeAsync(ctx,
                    type => scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService(type))

    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        await _processor.RunAsync(stoppingToken);