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Nix package overlay for Microchip development tools:


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Microchip development tools Nix Overlay

A Nix overlay for microchip development – intended for use in per-project environment flakes and/or home-manager configuration.

Table of Contents


This provides a Nix package for Microchip PIC24/dsPIC33 development, comprising the MPLAB-X IDE and an associated installation of the XC16 compiler. It should be readily adaptable to provide similar packages for XC8 and/or XC32.

The packages included here are primarily the work of, in a merge request raised against nixpkgs here: NixOS/nixpkgs#301317

I’ve refactored them a bit and packaged as a flake for instant gratification.

Currently this provides packages for the following, to meet my own immediate needs:

  • xc16 v1.61
  • xc16 v2.10
  • mplab-x v6.15
  • mplab-x v6.20

Adding additional versions is trivial – see instructions in the section Adding packages.

Pull requests adding additional packages and/or addressing any of the Improvement opportunities listed below (or others I haven’t considered) welcome.


The microchip compilers and mplab-x are dynamically linked binaries, requiring them to wrapped in an fhsEnv to be used on NixOS anyway. The compiler packages are unwrapped – installing via the mplab-x package wraps mplab-x and the compiler(s) in an fhsEnv so they all function as intended. I haven’t tested with microchip programmers etc. as yet, as my dev flow for current microchip projects doesn’t require them (hex image programming via a bootloader, and debugging via log trace rather than ICD).

Here’s a sample flake illustrating use from a microchip project. This installs MPLAB-X and XC16 in a bubble-wrapped environment. … (this overlay is hard-coded to x86_64-linux for now, so the forEachSupportedSystem stuff is aspirational )…

N.B. I’m using nixpkgs-unstable, as that’s what I’m tracking for NixOS on my dev machines. Because of the wrapping you’ll want to use a nixpkgs version with the same(?ish?) version of libc as your OS – otherwise this’ll fail to run. I.e. you may need to pass a different nixpkgs via inherit for compatibility with your own OS.

  description = "A Nix-flake-based ceedling (c+ruby) environment";
  #N.B. microchip compiler not nixpkg-ed, so assuming installed via system package manager
  #N.B. ruby dependencies controlled via Gemfile, bundler and bundix pfte

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    microchip.url = "github:cormacc/nix-microchip";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, microchip }:
      supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" ];
      forEachSupportedSystem = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems (system: f {
        pkgs = import nixpkgs {
          inherit system;
          config.allowUnfree = true;
          overlays = [
      devShells = forEachSupportedSystem ({ pkgs }: {
        default = pkgs.mkShell {
            buildInputs = with pkgs; [
              mplab-x #build dependencies - incorporates xc16 v1.61
              cmake clang-tools #editor support (emacs/lsp)

Adding packages


The xc16 package has been refactored to put most of nyadiia’s work into a shared common.nix, and pass the version and installer archive hash in as parameters. So adding a new compiler version just requires creating a new file containing the version number and hash in ./pkgs/xc16.

See the example below for xc16 v1.61 (from ./pkgs/xc16/1.61.nix):

import ./common.nix {
  version = "1.61";
  hash = "sha256-Wi0vhJWt+WiNq41daf7e7tJeJmt3/M3t2TJbkJQTNEg=";

And then add a new line to ./pkgs/default.nix:

xc16_1_61 = pkgs.callPackage ./xc16/1.61.nix { };


The mplab-x-unwrapped has been refactored in a similar manner to xc16. I.e. adding a new version should just require creating a new file containing the version number and hash in ./pkgs/mplab-x-unwrapped/.

See the example below for MPLAB-X v6.20 (from ./pkgs/mplab-x-unwrapped/6.20.nix):

import ./common.nix {
  version = "6.20";
  hash = "sha256-zs77CsuKFUCGYwUiv4ZZLm8HZLskxm3zP8HoGMUHdWA=";

And then add a new line to ./pkgs/default.nix:

mplab-x-unwrapped_6_20 = pkgs.callPackage ./mplab-x-unwrapped/6.20.nix { };

XC8, XC32, XC-DSC etc.

Adding packages for the other Microchip compilers should (I believe) be as simple as copying the XC16 subtree and making some minor adaptations. Another github user, Fuwn, has forked this repo and already done so for XC32 v4.40 – here.

Improvement opportunities

Material / quality of life improvements

Rework to allow the compilers and version(s) to be included as a parameter rather than hardcoded

Currently I’ve setup mplab-x to

Can probably do this at project level using a local overlay to override the default? Though would be nice to support multiple versions in the one devshell (e.g. for a multi-component build, or to facilitate comparisons)

Figure out how to use this with a microchip compiler license

Add XC8, XC32, XC-DSC

(Maybe) Allow XC compilers to be installed independently of MPLAB-X

Currently I (and most others working on Microchip projects?) rely on MPLAB-X for some aspects of build configuration. However it must be possible to do without – and pulling MPLAB-X out of the mix would make this flake more suitable for per-project dev flake use using direnv, which is my preferred flow.

Currently I’m installing this as part of my home-manager owned environment rather than per-project, purely because MPLAB-X is such a heavyweight dependency.

Pedantic / to satisfy my inner anal retentive

Rework pkgs/default.nix to include pkgs/xc16/default.nix

My nix-fu is weak. But my inner anal retentive is strong. On the other hand, life is short…

I want pkgs/default.nix to look something like this…

pkgs : rec {
   import ./xc16 { };
   import ./xc32 { };
   import ./mplab-x { }

where pkgs/xc16/default.nix looks something like this

pkgs : rec {
   xc16_2_10 = pkgs.callPackage ./2.10.nix { };
   xc16_1_61 = pkgs.callPackage ./1.61.nix { };
   xc16 = xc16_2_10; #i.e. default to latest

However my initial attempts have failed and pkgs/default.nix currently looks like this:

pkgs : rec {
   xc16_2_10 = pkgs.callPackage ./xc16/2.10.nix { };
   xc16_1_61 = pkgs.callPackage ./xc16/1.61.nix { };
   xc16 = xc16_1_61; #i.e. default to the version we're using for current production builds
   mplab-x-unwrapped = pkgs.callPackage ./mplab-x-unwrapped { };
   mplab-x = pkgs.callPackage ./mplab-x { };

Investigate building xc16 compiler from source

Sidestepping the license integration issues referenced above.

This is likely too much effort… though there’s some prior art for xc32 here:

Investigate / fix the noisy permission errors during build

Building from mplab-x works fine in my limited testing, though I see some noisy error message along the following lines in the build console…

Error getting handle for device 0: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 1: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 2: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 3: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 5: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 6: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 7: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 8: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 9: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 10: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 11: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 12: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 13: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 14: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 15: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 16: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 17: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 18: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 19: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 20: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 21: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 22: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 23: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
Error getting handle for device 24: Access denied (insufficient permissions)


Nix package overlay for Microchip development tools:







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