These are shared classes enabling and supporting Kryo serialization and deserialization in a couple of projects (OpenTripPlanner and Conveyal R5).
In package com.conveyal.kryo
we define some custom serializers for Guava and Trove collections which are used in both projects. This introduces transitive dependencies on Trove, Guava, and Kryo itself.
The package com.conveyal.object_differ
contains library classes that check whether two Java object graphs are identical, for use in serialization round-trip tests. This diffing functionality is actually independent of Kryo and should remain so, but we only use it in serialization tests so it's bundled here with Kryo serializers in a single module.
This performs a semantic equality check between two object graphs in Java. This is intended for use in testing that a round trip through serialization and deserialization reproduces an identical transportation network representation, and that the processs of building that transportation network is reproducible. A system that can do a generalized semantic comparison of any tree of objects is quite complex. Here we try to implement only the minimum feature set needed for our use case in serialization tests.
This code used to be embedded in the R5 project but is now a separate Maven / Git project so that it can be reused in multiple projects, starting with OpenTripPlanner/opentripplanner and conveyal/r5. The object differ started out as a copy of the one supplied by @csolem via the Entur OTP branch at but has been mostly rewritten at this point.
It would be possible to factor the object differ out into a separate project, allowing it to be used without depending on a specific version of Kryo. However, the object differ depends on Guava and Trove (as it takes special steps to compare types defined by those libraries), and the Kryo serializers are also for Guava and Trove types. Splitting into two projects would require us to keep the Guava and Trove dependencies in sync and across these two tiny libraries and in all client projects, in addition to the usual effort of tagging and signing releases etc. For this reason, we've always made a well-considered decision not to split them into two projects.
To use kryo-tools in a Maven project include the following dependency:
To use it in a Gradle project include the following dependency:
implementation 'com.conveyal:kryo-tools:1.4.0
Or if using it only in tests:
testImplementation 'com.conveyal:kryo-tools:1.4.0
This project was renamed from object-differ when serializers were added, so artifacts with versions 1.0 and 1.1 exist with that name.
TODO: configuration and usage information, testing on complex objects within OTP.
The object differ works by reflection, which is by default not allowed under the Java module system. Applications depending on the kryo-tools object differ will not work without some adjustments. Rather than simply opening large amounts of classes to reflection all the time, a more targeted solution is to add exceptions only when running your tests (since object-differ is only really intended for testing and not needed during normal program execution). See this article:
In Gradle this might look like:
test {
jvmArgs = ['--add-opens=java.base/',
In Maven:
<!-- we have to fork the JVM during tests so that the argLine is passed along -->
<!-- enable the restricted reflection under Java 11 so that the ObjectDiffer works
the @{argLine} part is there to allow jacoco to insert its arguments as well
--add-opens java.base/
--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/java.math=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/