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Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
In Unified style sheet for linguistics, you can cite this repository if you use it in your teaching/research as follows:
Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya. 2024. Materials for the Diponegoro Summer Course in Corpus Linguistics (DipSCORLING 2024) (22 - 27 July 2024). R Quarto. Zenodo. (22 July, 2024).
Check the released versioning of this repository here.
This repository provides the materials I delivered for the Diponegoro Summer Course in Corpus Linguistics 2024 (DipSCORLING 2024) (22 - 27 July 2024 via Zoom). DipSCORLING 2024 facilitates a pedagogical goal of CompLexico (a research group within CIRHSS) in introducing computer-assisted method for the study of language to linguistic students and researchers in Indonesia and beyond.
I handled the following topics in DipSCORLING 2024:
Frequency List (24 July 2024; 4PM Central Indonesian Time)
- Revealjs Slides in HTML1 (the PDF handout version); the source quarto file
- PDF practice sheet and the source quarto file
Concordance (24 July 2024; 5PM Central Indonesian Time)
- Revealjs Slides in HTML (the PDF handout version); the source quarto file
- PDF practice sheet and the source quarto file
Collocation (25 July 2024; 4PM Central Indonesian Time)
- Revealjs Slides in HTML (the PDF handout version); the source quarto file
- PDF practice sheet and the source quarto file
Below are some important information regarding registration (source: Prihantoro’s Facebook group-post):
Registration page (open from 1 May - 3 June 2024):
YouTube tutorial to create an account at for the registration:
Planned schedule here
To open the slides and move them through like a Power Point, download the content of this repository using the latest version archived in Zenodo. Then open the .html file in an internet browser of your choice. ↩