The 'MI-JSON' data format consumed by the viewer is generated by the JAMI framework.
JAMI is capable of converting between various MI data formats, it can convert the PSI-MI XML standard into the MI-JSON format.
First install dependencies:
npm install
To create a production build:
npm run build-prod
To create a development build:
npm run build-dev
Construct a new instance of the conplexviewer.App object, passing the target DIV as a parameter to the constructor:
var targetDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv'); var myComplexViewer = new complexviewer.App(targetDiv);
Pass this the MI-JSON object:
Register a DIV to have a colour scheme key drawn into it
var colorSchemeDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv'); myComplexViewer.addColorSchemeKey(colorSchemeDiv);
Choose how to annotate proteins (this will prob, because of MICommunity#80):
// todo doc - see index.html for example, old way of doing should still be working
To change dataset without creating a new instance of the app, call the clear function, then call the readMijson() function with the new data:
myComplexViewer.clear(); myComplexViewer.readMijson(data2);