Main goal here was to keep the rc file as sort as possible, while providing decent astheics.
It is still work in progress.
- AwesomeWM
- Kvantum : to select tranparent theme
- picom : to have blur & fade effects on windows
- playerctl : to control music
- maim : to take screenshots
- i3lock : to have lock screen
- qt5ct : to set Qt themes
- nitrogen : to set wallpaper
- Cantrella, Cascadia fonts
Obviously you can replace some of these programs with the ones of your choice but have to modify the rc file accordingly
After installing the dependacies run
git clone ~/.config
ln -s ~/.config/BetterThanYour/awesome ~/.config
ln -s ~/.config/BetterThanYour/picom.conf ~/.config
ln -s ~/.config/BetterThanYour/kvantum_theme ~/.config/Kvantum/BetterThanYour
If the last command fails its because you haven't used Kvantum yet
if (last line failed){
Launch Kvantum
Click: "Select a Kvatum theme folder"
Go to ~/.config/BetterThanYour/kvatum_theme
Click open
In Kvantum change into the newly added theme.
That's it! (Re)start Awesome and you are ready.
- Shutdown/Logout screen - currently use right click menu to shutdown
- Make wibar not look so bloatedTM