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Mart Verburg edited this page Jan 23, 2025 · 2 revisions


The ws1_import_new_only key can be set to false to upload the latest version of packages, package info plists, and package icons from a Munki repo into WorkSpace ONE.

If you are using ws1_app_assignments to automate new assignments in stages, you will need to set ws1_import_new_only to false so imported app versions from earlier Autopkg runs are processed again for new assignments.

Defaults to true - meaning only if a set of files was imported into Munki in this session, it will be uploaded to WorkSpace ONE.

#### Example Usage:

The recommended way to pass this setting is in your GitHub Action workflow or in your launcher script if running for testing on your local Mac.

in a workflow yaml file, env section
AUTOPKG_ws1_update_assignments: ${{ || 'True' }}

in a launcher script
export AUTOPKG_ws1_import_new_only="false"

Run autopkg on command-line and add argument
--key ws1_import_new_only=false

It is also possible to add the setting to the input variables of your recipe, but in this case you would need to add it to all your recipes.


Required: False