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Codabench Installation

Obada Haddad edited this page Jan 17, 2025 · 21 revisions

Installation Guide

Compared to Codalab, installing Codabench should be relatively easy since you no longer have to worry about special ways to set up SSL or storage. We include default solutions that should handle that for most basic uses.

1. Pre-requisites

Install Docker


a) Install docker via the installation script:

b) Install manually, following the steps at:

Install Docker-Compose

2. Clone Repository

Download the Codabench repository:

git clone

3. Edit the settings (.env)

The .env file contains the settings of your instance. On a fresh installation, you will need to use the following command to get your .env file:

cd codabench
cp .env_sample .env

Then edit the necessary settings inside. The most important are the database, storage, and Caddy/SSL settings. For a quick local setup, you should not need to edit this file.

If you are using AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL=http://minio:9000/ in your .env, edit your /etc/hosts file by adding this line minio

For MacOS

In .env, replace:




If needed, some troubleshooting of this step is provided at the end of this page or in this page.

4. Start the service

To deploy the platform, run:

docker compose up -d

5. Run the following commands

Create the required tables in the database:

docker compose exec django ./ migrate

Generate the required static resource files:

docker compose exec django ./ collectstatic --noinput

You should be able to verify it is running correctly by looking at the logs with docker compose logs -f and by visiting localhost:80 (Depending on your configuration).

Advanced Configuration


To run automated tests for your local instance, get inside the Django container with docker compose exec django bash then run py.test to start the automated tests.


To enable SSL:

  • If you already have a DNS for your server that is appropriate, in the .env simply set DOMAIN_NAME to your DNS. Remove any port designation like :80. This will have Caddy serve both HTTP and HTTPS.

Validate user account on local instance

When deploying a local instance, the email server is not configured by default, so you won't receive the confirmation email during signup.

To manually confirm your account:

  1. Find the confirmation link in the Django logs using docker compose logs -f django
  2. Replace by localhoston the URL and open it in your browser.

Another way is to go inside the Django containers and use commands like in administrator procedures.

Troubleshooting storage endpoint URL

You may have to manually change the endpoint URL to have your local instance working. This may be an OS related issue. Here is a possible fix:

  1. docker compose logs -f minio
  2. Grab the first one of these IP addresses:
minio_1           | Browser Access:
minio_1           |
  1. Set AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL= your .env file.

For Apple CPU (M1, M2 chips)

In docker-compose.yml, replace in the compute_worker service:

command: bash -c "watchmedo auto-restart -p '*.py' --recursive -- celery -A compute_worker worker -l info -Q compute-worker -n compute-worker@%n"


command: bash -c "celery -A compute_worker worker -l info -Q compute-worker -n compute-worker@%n"


By default, v2 uses a built-in MinIO container. Some users may want a different solution, such as S3 or Azure. The configuration will vary slightly for each different type of storage.

For all possible supported storage solutions, see:

Remote Compute Workers

To set up remote compute workers, you can follow the steps described in our Compute Worker Management page.


Read the following guide for troubleshooting: How to deploy Codabench.

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