Keep Mandrill Templates in sync with a Github repo.
Node >= v8.10.0
Create a template repo, see for an example.
Copy .env.default
to .env
and set your config variables for use during testing and for the import script.
If needed, import your published templates from Mandrill to your local template repo with
node importInitialTemplatesFromMandrill.js
Structure and commit those templates as needed. Directories are squashed into filenames with a dash as the separator when uploaded to Mandrill. For example, "saas/onboarding/" uploads to Mandrill as "saas-onboarding-welcome". Dashes are supported in filenames as well, conflict will trigger a notification email.
Create ZIP file
- Clone repo locally
- Run "npm install" from the command line of the project dir root
- Run "zip -r index.js node_modules" from the command line to create the zip file for AWS Lambda
Create new AWS API Gateway
- Create a "New API"
- Enter the name of your API
- Create API
Create a [](new AWS Lambda function).
- Choose Author From Scratch
- Enter the name of your function
- Choose Node >= v8.x Runtime
- Choose an Existing IAM Role or create a New Role from the "Basic Edge Lambda permissions"
- Save the Lambda
Finish API Gateway setup
- Select Actions -> Create Method -> POST
- Select Lambda Function
- Select Use Lambda Proxy integration
- Enter Lambda Function name
- Save
- Approve Permission
- Select Resouces -> Actions -> Deploy API
- Select a stage or create a new stage
- Save
- Copy the Invoke URL for later use
Setup the Lambda trigger
- Click your Lambda function name
- Add API Gateway as a new trigger
- Select the newly created API Gateway from the list
- Select Deployment Stage
- Set Security as Open (we'll verify the Github secret before processing) or select your preferred security mechanism
- Add
Setup the Lambda function
- Click your function name
- Select Upload a .ZIP File
- Select to upload the file created in step 1
- Set configuration variables (quotes are not needed in AWS fields):
- DEBUG = true
- LOCAL_TEMPLATE_DIR_PATH = '../email-vcs-templates/'
- GITHUB_TEMPLATE_REPO = 'email-vcs-templates'
- GITHUB_OWNER = 'coalharbourgroup'
- GITHUB_API_TOKEN = 'yourGithubApiToken'
- GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET = 'uniqueSecretForGithubVerification'
- MANDRILL_API_KEY = 'yourMandrillApiKey'
- Increase the timeout to 1 min, 0 sec
- Click Save
Create Github Webhook
- Enter the API Gateway Invoke URL from Step 4
- Select Content Type of application/json
- Enter Secret as the GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET from your Lambda configuration variables
- Select Send Me Everything
- Select Active
- Add Webhook
- Done