Steps required to run:
- Download all the binaries
Getting all the rootfs and kernel.
ARCH="$(uname -m)"
latest=$(wget "" -O - 2>/dev/null | grep "(?<=<Key>)(firecracker-ci/v1.10/x86_64/vmlinux-5\.10\.[0-9]{3})(?=</Key>)" -o -P)
# Download a linux kernel binary
wget "${latest}"
# Download a rootfs
wget "${ARCH}/ubuntu-22.04.ext4"
# Download the ssh key for the rootfs
wget "${ARCH}/ubuntu-22.04.id_rsa"
# Set user read permission on the ssh key
chmod 400 ./ubuntu-22.04.id_rsa
Getting the firecracker and jailer binay.
Note : For jailer binary you might need to build the firecracker from scratch with docker.
ARCH="$(uname -m)"
latest=$(basename $(curl -fsSLI -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} ${release_url}/latest))
curl -L ${release_url}/download/${latest}/firecracker-${latest}-${ARCH}.tgz \
| tar -xz
# Rename the binary to "firecracker"
mv release-${latest}-$(uname -m)/firecracker-${latest}-${ARCH} firecracker
To instead build firecracker from source, you will need to have docker installed:
ARCH="$(uname -m)"
# Clone the firecracker repository
git clone firecracker_src
# Start docker
sudo systemctl start docker
# Build firecracker
# It is possible to build for gnu, by passing the arguments '-l gnu'.
# This will produce the firecracker and jailer binaries under
# `./firecracker/build/cargo_target/${toolchain}/debug`.
sudo ./firecracker_src/tools/devtool build
# Rename the binary to "firecracker"
sudo cp ./firecracker_src/build/cargo_target/${ARCH}-unknown-linux-musl/debug/firecracker firecracker
Place all the binaries in the root directory with named as following:
ubuntu --> fc_rfs kernel --> fc_kernel firecracker_release --> firecracker jailer_release --> jailer
Parameters set in static configuration file for firecracker.
UID := 123
GID := 100
const id = "4580"
const socketPath = "api.socket"
const kernelImagePath = "./fc_kernel"
const rfsPath = "./fc_rfs"
const firecrackerPath = "./firecracker"
const jailerPath = "./jailer"
const ChrootBaseDir = "/srv/jailer"
Note: Ip address of vm set to "" !!! CHroot Base Dir set to "/srv/jailer/" !!!
Sandbox Environment Details:
Docker network name - testJailer ContainerId - randomly generated Ip address - ""
make run
Terminal stdio, stdout, stderr will be connected to microvm shell.