Document-oriented outputs for Livebook (v0.10.0) notebooks.
While there's still no built-in support to render plain html in Livebook, Ripmd is a very early stage command line tool to convert rich outputs to plain, readable, document-oriented outputs (by dropping client-server Kino's JS Live interactions).
Use case : sharing data-scientistic work generated from Livebook in portable plain static files.
🧨 This tool is intended be deleted as soon as a smarter solution is added to Livebook :) This issue drives the way to go (which was, to some degree, an initial intention for me).
Source | Live notebook | Ripmd rendered HTML |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
# from this repo
MIX_ENV=prod mix escript.install github clm-a/ripmd
# or build it locally after customization
MIX_ENV=prod mix do, escript.install
(without persisted outputs)
Within your offline downloaded notebook, add kino_ripmd
at the end of the deps of your setup section :
{:kino_ripmd, github: "clm-a/kino_ripmd"}
NB: ripmd
is the Livebook driver/CLI, while kino_ripmd
overrides interactive elements on notebook cells evaluation.
ripmd myfile.livemd output.html
You can also run it within iex -S mix
in order to test your customizations
Ripmd.livemd_to_html("example.livemd", "output.html")
- If it hangs with
[info] Waiting for cells : ["3blsbkepd5hd5aw6ccuclhhkokmypr3z"]
, it's probably because a cell evaluation failed. Failure management is yet to be implemented.
drives a whole Livebook app instance as a backend to render your LiveMarkdown file, while kino_ripmd
redefines Kino's render implementations to generate static outputs.
Some config.exs
have been edited such as config :livebook, :serverless, true
to avoid starting the Livebook web endpoint.
- There is no interface to manage Hubs
- You cant't manage secrets natively yet (hardcode them in the cell once you have downloaded the notebook, then clean the generated html output)
- It has been designed against the default
runtime - SmartCells and interactive inputs are not supported (and may crash rendering)
Ripmd currently only renders these rich outputs :
- Markdown
- VegaLite charts (still client-side interactive)
- Kino.DataTable
It's very interesting to hack Livebook! As this project is pretty naive, maybe it's worth a look if you are interested in discovering some of the Livebook internals.
Any feedback would be very appreciated, don't hesitate to open an issue.
- Explorer's DataFrames
- ...?
- Handle and inform cell evaluation failure
- Continue rendering ohter cells on evaluation failure
- Secrets management
- Option to render VegaLite as inline PNGs
- Bring the feature to Livebook itself 🙏 and forget about this cranky project
- Tests
- Hubs management
- Runtimes compatibility other than