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六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片九八学运 Tiananmen Square protests Videos and photos #225

cirosantilli opened this issue Apr 12, 2021 · 47 comments
anti-ccp not-shitpost tiananmen video Post contains video uploaded to GitHub


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cirosantilli commented Apr 12, 2021六四事件

六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片 Tiananmen Square protests Videos and photos

Hu Yaobang memorial

1989-04-22 |

Oppose violence!

Guarantee human rights!

Patriotism is not a crime!

Brutality is shameful!

Freedom of speech!

Abolish censorship!

Hu Yaobang lives on!


Tiananmen sea jpg

Pu Zhiqiang tshirt jpg

柴玲人民日报,胡说八道!演讲 Chai Ling People's Daily Full of nonsense Speech Mid 1989-05 月中


People's Daily,
Full of nonsense
Lying to the people,
Where's your conscience?
You may think you're safe,
But your time will come.


Tiananmen students sitting jpg

Tiananmen cute girls jpg

红领巾刺猬抗议者 Hedgehog red scarf protester


Tiananmen troop truck night jpg


男子: 解放军官兵们,我请求你们,我作为一个学生代表请求你们:拿出你们的正义和勇气,作一个人民的军队、人民的子弟兵,而不要为一小撮人所左右,作一小撮人的狗腿,作中华民族的罪人!
Man: PLA officers and soldiers, I beg you, and as a student representative, I beg you: show your justice and courage, and be a people's army and soldiers of the people's sons and brothers [the students protesting], instead of being dominated by a small group of people, being the henchman of a small group, becoming criminals of the Chinese nation!

妇女: 你们知道吗?!我们在做什么你们知道吗?!解放军兄弟,你们是保护人民、保护学生的,你们不能来镇压他们,你们不能这样,不能这样!
Woman: Do you know?! What are we doing you know?! Brothers in the People's Liberation Army, you protect the people and students, you can't come to suppress them, you can't do this, you can't do this!


Students dancing by Mark Avery says may 22. also says may 22.

Tiananmen sculpt goddess webp

Tiananmen old lady webp

Liu Xiaobo Tiananmen 1989 06 02 jpg

Tiananmen announce soldiers webp

Tiananmen girl strife jpg

Tiananmen coke jpg

Li at Tiananmen Eyebeams jpg


学生:刽子手!解放军:开枪!六四 Student: "Murderers!". PLA: fires back! 1989-06-04


这是一个同学的血 Blood of a classmate



This is the blood of a classmate, I am not hurt. When I was carrying my classmate, the back of the classmate's neck was full of hot blood, and I couldn't stop it. I didn't stop it with two towels. There was blood in his mouth and blood all over his face.

Tiananmen helmet jpg

Tiananmen crushed dead jpg

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg


后果 Aftermath

Tiananmen message board cleanup webp

六四证人肖斌 Tiananmen witness Xiao Bin


How can this Government claim to represent the people? A government doesn't use tanks like this, doesn't use armored vehicles like this, to advance towards so many students and crush them under the vehicle's tracks?


Tiananmen bicycle bridge jpg

Tiananmen crying mother webp

Tiananmen bullet jpg

TODO identify date, photographer

Gay victory by Stuart Franklin as usual, a source:

All power belongs to the people, 北大西方语系 (Department of Western Languages of the Peking University) a source: May 25th

Hello, Mr. democracy 德先生,你好 a source There's a Baidu page:德先生/5441810 but it forgot to mention Tiananmen.

坦克人 Tank man 1989-06-04


Tank Man jpg

Tank Man new longshot Stuart Franklin jpg

Tank Man ground level jpg

Tank Man ducks jpg

Lego Tank Man png

Tank Man FF6 jpg

   Tank Man                         |
   by Ciro Santilli          00     |
   2021 CC-BY-SA 4.0          \\  +-|-+
                               \\/   /|-+o
                                \\--+ / /o
                               /|\\ |/ /oo
                        |     / ----- /oo
                        |    /       /oo
                        |   +-------+oo
                        |   oo+---+ooo
                 00     |   oo     oo
                  \\  +-|-+
                   \\/   /|-+o
                    \\--+ / /o
                   /|\\ |/ /oo
            |     / ----- /oo
            |    /       /oo
            |   +-------+oo
            |   oo+---+ooo
     00     |   oo     oo
      \\  +-|-+
       \\/   /|-+o
        \\--+ / /o
       /|\\ |/ /oo
      / ----- /oo
     /       /oo
    oo     oo

Tank Man drawing by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Tank Man drawing censored by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Identify audio, what is 碾


With audio:


Chicken and nugget tank man:


学运致敬 Tiananmen hommage

Tiananmen six four hand gesture

坦克人歌曲,作曲家:徐琳,我是坦克人站在天安门 Tank man song by Xu Lin


I am Tank Man

I stand at Tiananmen

I face the tank column

I calmly come and stand (? confirm)

A tide of people has rushed the square

The feelings of the people are boiling right now (正 == short of 正在?)

The voice of justice is calling

To finish the One Party Dictatorship

Everyone has a share of the country

How can we put up with them taking more than their fair share? (岂容)

Free natural rights

How can they be buried under the Iron Wheel?

Who is standing on whose way?

Who is whose enemy?

Who is on the side of the righteous?

And who are the enemies of History?

Your guns were made by the People

Your salaries were paid by the people's taxes

So why are the guns being pointed at the people?

Those who commit this crime, can hardly be forgiven by the Heavenly Principles

Democracy is a necessary Path of the world

Once democracy is implemented, everyone will be better off

Don't be a tool of suppression of the Dictatorship

Quickly stop the tanks, and correct your point of view

六四之前 Before Tiananmen

May Fourth Movement

西单民主墙 Xidan Democracy Wall 1979魏京生-第五个现代化.md

@cirosantilli cirosantilli added not-shitpost tiananmen video Post contains video uploaded to GitHub labels Apr 12, 2021
@cirosantilli cirosantilli changed the title 六四时间天安门学潮1989视频照片 Videos and photos from Tienanmen Square protests 六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片 Videos and photos from Tienanmen Square protests Apr 12, 2021
@cirosantilli cirosantilli pinned this issue Apr 12, 2021
@cirosantilli cirosantilli changed the title 六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片 Videos and photos from Tienanmen Square protests 六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片 Videos and photos from Tiananmen Square protests Apr 12, 2021
@cirosantilli cirosantilli changed the title 六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片 Videos and photos from Tiananmen Square protests 六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片 Tiananmen Square protests Videos and photos Apr 13, 2021
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github-actions bot commented Jul 3, 2021

Hi flywithbug,


Jiang Zemin nose picking jpg

Snowden jpg

12377 report procedure april 2021 png

Jack Ma Winnie the Pooh and That Rabbit splitting cookies jpg

Jingjing jpg

Amesys jpg

Stop interfering in China s internal affairs bread jpg

Kneeling by Adam Zyglis NFL Colin Kaepernick vs NBA LeBron James jpg

Xinjiang Data Project screenshot of camp map 2021 jpg

NBA Taiwan flag jpg

Baidu Baike Badminton World Federation censored 1995 1997 wins by Ye Zhaoying wife of Hao Haidong png

GitHub Programthink Zhao issue 38 China geoscreenshot 2020 09 31 png

Tiananmen message board cleanup webp

Xi Pooh car jpg

Huawei Statue of Liberty jpeg

Artux city reeducation camp webp

Please enjoy this politically correct cartoon jpg

Ciro Santilli portrait as Qing emperor jpg

Stalin bitch please jpg

Chenmei Caowei jpg

Eric Drooker censorship jpg

Chloe Zhao won 93rd Oscar jpg

Putin meteor webp

Li Wenliang covid jpg

Pokemon political meme little pink super effective zh png

Shit jpg

Nazi book burning jpg

Nobody can hear you gif

TECRO Washington jpg

Communist children catch pokemon jpg

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Copy link

github-actions bot commented Jul 3, 2021

Hi flywithbug,


Tank Man ducks jpg

Countries that recognize Taiwan jpg

Tank Man ground level jpg

Putin bear jpg

Wujiao png

Xi mein kampf jpg

Yue Xin Jasic shirt jpg

Yuyuan garden door jpg

Six Fortune broad bean jpg

Putin dinosaur webp

Skripal perfume jpg

Dabancheng reeducation camp jpg

Malchenko no Malchenko jpg

Tiananmen crying mother webp

Uyghur workers waving China flag jpg

Guantanamo bay protest London 2008 jpg

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg

Jingjing Chacha street jpeg

Pope CCP deal jpeg

Taihu church Christmas reveillon permission 2020 jpg

Uyghur sale website jpg

Mein kampf jpg

Jiang Zemin nose picking jpg

Lets party like its 1793 jpg

How to report an user on GitHub png

Pokemon political meme little pink super effective png

We don t hire blacks by Aaron DeWitt 2020 jpg

United China Relief 3 million Chinese jpg

Lesbian couple Shanghai 30s jpg

Chinazi flag png

Copy link



Copy link

Hi freedomgeeks,



709 lawyers jpg

Falun Gong Chengdu jpg

Jiang Zemin nose picking jpg

Mei with Hong kong jpg

Thai king prostrated wife jpg

Jingjing Chacha Beijing jpg

Google funeral webp

Tiananmen cute girls jpg

Shit jpg

Sunflower seeds guazi jpg

Xinjiang prisoners march jpg

Tiananmen students sitting jpg

12321 report procedure april 2021 png

Xidan Wall jpg

Mao coffin jpeg

Immoral and uneducated jpg

Anonymous middle fingers jpg

Tiananmen crying mother webp

Soviet radio jamming vs Jingjing jpg

Jiang Zemin emoticons montage png

NBA Taiwan flag jpg

Ciro Santilli with his mother in law during his wedding in 2017 jpg

Last Supper Mao jpg

Apple China flag png

Ciro Santilli with a stone carved Budai in the Feilai Feng caves near the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou in 2012 jpg

Chrysanthemum Xi jpeg

Please enjoy this politically correct cartoon jpg

Huawei 5G my precious jpg

Core socialist values jpg

West Taiwan map jpg

Copy link


Copy link

Hi geekibli,


Umbrella movement icon png

Fermented bean curd furu jpg

Li Hongzhi blue jpg

Amesys jpg

Jiang Zemin magnify jpg

United China Relief 3 million Chinese jpg

Howey Ou 2019 jpg

Covid Xi jpg

Umbrella movement in Admiralty night View 20141010 jpg

Huawei why does the whole world hate me jpeg

Falun Gong magic fungi jpg

Brand censorship chart jpg

Nazi book burning jpg

Mein kampf jpg

Holocaust denial cartoon by Francoise Pichard jpg

Xi scout salute jpg

Navalny hospital sitting jpg

Zhong Gong lotus jpg

Mao swim wave jpg

China USB theft jpg

Pu Zhiqiang tshirt jpg

Xi Pooh Photoshop webp

Holocaust denial cartoon vs Palestine jpg

Chinazi flag png

Yue Xin Jasic shirt jpg

Tiananmen crying mother webp

Gay Putin with Gay Medvedev jpg

Jingjing Chacha Shenzhen police jpg

We cant complain zh jpg

Zhuan Falun 2010s English vs Chinese jpg

Copy link


Copy link

Hi zhangdanan,


Struggle session cultural revolution dunce cap luo zicheng jpg

Xi Jinping photoshopped as The Joker jpg

Hitler Himmler salute jpg

12377 report procedure april 2021 png

Xi Pooh Photoshop webp

Jiang Zemin nose picking jpg

Eric Drooker censorship jpg

Xi scout salute vs Hitler Youth salute jpg

Shut up and take my freedom jpg

Pig politics Chinese jpg

Apple Daily raid webp

Tiananmen girl strife jpg

Thai king prostrated officers jpg

Xi Jinping thought halo jpg

Xi sadomasochist jpg

Wumao 2011 vs Little Pink 2021 jpg

Qelbinur Sedik call with cop jpg

Sunflower seeds guazi jpg

Li Hongzhi with wife and daughter jpg

Tank Man FF6 jpg

Putin horse jpg

Uyghur workers waving China flag jpg

Zhong Gong vs Falun Gong lotus jpg

To obey is to betray jpg

West Taiwan map jpg

Huawei why does the whole world hate me jpeg

Moscow-Minsk friendship mural girl with barbed wire jpg

Uyghur sale website jpg

996ICU png

Immoral and uneducated jpg

Copy link


Copy link

Hi kaixinbaba,


Space program Change jpg

French Nazi SS poster 1942 jpg

Hitler has only got one ball jpg

Tiananmen crushed dead jpg

Holocaust denial cartoon by Francoise Pichard jpg

Tank Man FF6 jpg

Brand censorship chart jpg

Rugae vaginales with black hole jpg

Li Hongzhi vs Goku Super Saiyan jpg

Jingjing Chacha Shenzhen police jpg

Hitler angry rehearsal jpg

Putin swim jpg

Addicted bed jpg

Zhong gong blue jpg

Sweet brown chinese characters meme jpg

Falun Gong Chengdu jpg

Xinjiang prisoners march jpg

Skripal assassins station jpg

Jingjing jpg

Navalny hospital sitting jpg

Thai king prostrated officers jpg

Xinjiang camp in camp jpg

Putin horse jpg

Liu Keqing singer Xi lookalike jpeg

Shut up and take my freedom jpg

Hao Haidong kick jpg

Xi Pooh Photoshop webp

Eight treasture congee jpg

Scarfolk children the cause of crime jpg

Falun Gong magic fungi jpg

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geekibli commented Jan 10, 2022 via email

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Hi geekibli,

hhha, fuck your mom ereryday! you were forbidden.

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主题: Re: [cirosantilli/china-dictatorship] 六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片 Tiananmen Square protests Videos and photos (225)


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709 lawyers jpg

Falun Gong street preaching 2016 London jpg

Chrysanthemum Xi Jinping with black red liusi added by Ciro Santilli jpg

Tiananmen cute girls jpg

Countries that recognize Taiwan jpg

Gay Putin with Gay Medvedev jpg

Taiwan we are China cartoon jpg

Struggle session cultural revolution dunce cap luo zicheng jpg

Xi Nazi car salute photoshop jpg

Kin no unko jpg

Xinjiang Data Project screenshot of camp map 2021 jpg

Xi dada jpg

Rebel pepper pig can%27t eat democracy cartoon translated to English by Ciro Santilli jpg

Xi Pooh car jpg

Thai king prostrated wife jpg

Scarfolk whatever you do dont jpg

Addicted bed jpg

Nobody can hear you gif

Laoganma jpg

Apple Daily raid webp

China Taiwan reunification flag webp

Mantou Xi lookalike jpg

Pu Zhiqiang tshirt jpg

Chacha jpg

Li Hongzhi jpg

Tank Man ducks jpg

Huawei Statue of Liberty jpeg

Sweet brown chinese characters meme zh jpg

Jingjing Chacha street jpeg

Li Hongzhi Buddha jpg

Copy link


Copy link

Hi hujiujiu,


Racism in the West vs China George Floyd vs Xinjiang jpg

Police steps over Falun Gong believer s face in 2000 at Tiananmen jpg

Pu Zhiqiang tshirt jpg

Wujiao png

When you send a good joke from your Huawei phone jpg

Xinjiang cotton vs American plantation from 1908 jpg

Zoom Boris jpg

Xi Jinping portrait 2012 jpg

Putin meteor webp

Lesbian couple Shanghai 30s jpg

Zhong gong blue jpg

Soviet radio jamming vs Jingjing jpg

Tiananmen girl strife jpg

Putin eagle webp

Holocaust denial cartoon by Francoise Pichard jpg

Amesys jpg

Falun Gong Liaoning jpg

Tiananmen crushed dead jpg

Xi Pooh Photoshop webp

Li at Tiananmen Eyebeams jpg

Blood Cotton Initiative by Wuheqilin holocaust denial jpg

Chinese typewriter jpg

Marina Ovsyannikova jpg

Side by side comparison between Thai king Vajiralongkorn and Hamtaro jpg

Xinjiang prisoners sitting identified jpeg

709 lawyers jpg

Howey Ou 2019 jpg

Apple China flag png

Li Hongzhi vs Goku Super Saiyan jpg

Uyghur workers waving China flag jpg

@cirosantilli cirosantilli changed the title 六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片 Tiananmen Square protests Videos and photos 六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片九八学运 Tiananmen Square protests Videos and photos May 4, 2022
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ziangchen7 commented Jun 10, 2022

求你别搞了,在搞github都要翻墙上了 Please don't do it, you have to go over the wall when you are doing github

Copy link

Hi ziangchen7,


Soviet radio jamming vs Jingjing jpg

Li Hongzhi blue jpg

Tiananmen girl strife jpg

Hitler Himmler salute jpg

Caonima jpg

Moscow-Minsk friendship mural girl with barbed wire jpg

Liu Shihui tshirt jpg

Xu Xiaodong taichi gif

Ciro Santilli png

Apple Daily raid webp

Shit jpg

Chai Ling People s Daily speech jpg

Hitler has only got one ball jpg

Chinese character extreme svg

United China Relief 3 million Chinese jpg

Flag of the Republic of China svg

Os problemas da imprensa livre jpg

Xi sleep Mao jpg

Zhong Gong vs Falun Gong lotus jpg

Jiang Zemin emoticons montage png

Li Meige Shenyun jpg

Baby Hitler vs 5 million Jews trolley problem jpg

GitHub Programthink Zhao issue 38 China geoscreenshot 2020 09 31 png

Liu Keqing singer Xi lookalike jpeg

Ciro Santilli portrait as Qing emperor jpg

Tiananmen crying mother webp

Putin meteor webp

Wumao 2011 vs Little Pink 2021 jpg

XKCD 937 tornado guard png

Tiananmen cute girls jpg

Copy link


Copy link

Hi GoldHillApps,


Xi Nazi car salute photoshop jpg

Brand censorship chart jpg

Jin ping mei jpg

Xinjiang Data Project screenshot of camp map 2021 jpg

Police steps over Falun Gong believer s face in 2000 at Tiananmen jpg

Mei with Hong kong jpg

Gay Putin jpg

How to report an user on GitHub png

Xi Jinping thought halo jpg

Li at Tiananmen Eyebeams jpg

Li Hongzhi stone garden jpg

West Taiwan map jpg

Nobody can hear you gif

Putin dinosaur webp

Holocaust denial cartoon vs Palestine jpg

Mein kampf jpg

Flag of the Republic of China svg

Eric Drooker censorship jpg

When you send a good joke from your Huawei phone jpg

Xidan Wall jpg

Umbrella movement in Admiralty night View 20141010 jpg

French Nazi SS poster 1942 jpg

Tiananmen sea jpg

Jingjing Chacha street jpeg

Qatar web censorship page jpg

Nazi war flag png

Kneeling by Adam Zyglis NFL Colin Kaepernick vs NBA LeBron James jpg

Li Meige Shenyun jpg

Xu Lin with Tank Man song tablature jpg

Uphold science jpg

Copy link

134545 commented Apr 22, 2023


Copy link

Hi 134545,


Gay Putin jpg

Li Hongzhi blue jpg

Zoom Boris jpg

Shit jpg

Shut up and take my freedom jpg

Jingjing jpg

Reject superstition accept change jpg

How to report an user on GitHub png

Tank Man jpg

Side by side comparison between Thai king Vajiralongkorn and Hamtaro jpg

Police steps over Falun Gong believer s face in 2000 at Tiananmen jpg

Mao swim wave jpg

Jingjing Chacha angry jpg

Sweet brown chinese characters meme zh jpg

Falun Gong Liaoning jpg

Uyghur workers waving China flag jpg

What Chinese men really want jpg

Lets party like its 1793 jpg

West Taiwan map jpg

Os problemas da imprensa livre jpg

Last Supper Mao jpg

Xi Jinping thought halo jpg

GitHub Programthink Zhao issue 38 China geoscreenshot 2020 09 31 png

Xinjiang Data Project screenshot of camp map 2021 jpg

Racism in the West vs China George Floyd vs Xinjiang jpg

Zhong Gong lotus jpg

Liberate Hong Kong Admiralty 2019 jpg

Quan Ping tshirt jpg

TECRO Washington jpg

709 lawyers jpg

Copy link

134545 commented Apr 22, 2023


Copy link

Hi 134545,


Jingjing Chacha Shenzhen police jpg

Jin ping mei jpg

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg

Huawei why does the whole world hate me jpeg

Soviet radio jamming vs Jingjing jpg

Xi dada jpg

Artux city reeducation camp webp

Ciro Santilli portrait as Qing emperor jpg

United China Relief 3 million Chinese jpg

Yue Xin Jasic shirt jpg

What Chinese men really want jpg

Mao Zedong in Yanan jpg

Xi Jinping Mao Zedong sculpture souvenirs jpg

Xinjiang prisoners sitting identified jpeg

Hitler has only got one ball jpg

Church demolition jpg

Mao swim wave jpg

Xinjiang camp in camp jpg

Nazi war flag png

Amesys jpg

Zhong Gong lotus jpg

Jiang Zemin magnify jpg

GitHub Programthink Zhao issue 38 China geoscreenshot 2020 09 31 png

Tiananmen sculpt goddess webp

Scarfolk public displays of personal distress are unpatriotic jpg

709 lawyers jpg

Falun Gong Liaoning jpg

Jack Ma Winnie the Pooh and That Rabbit splitting cookies jpg

Like shitposts jpg

Xu Lin with Tank Man song tablature jpg

Copy link

134545 commented Apr 22, 2023


Copy link

Hi 134545,


Mao coffin jpeg

Ciro Santilli LinkedIn China ban png

Tiananmen crying mother webp

Racism in the West vs China George Floyd vs Xinjiang jpg

Thai king prostrated wife jpg

Snowden jpg

Soviet radio jamming vs Jingjing jpg

Addicted bed jpg

Chinese character extreme svg

Putin Trump kiss jpg

Li Hongzhi dubstep webp

Tank Man ground level jpg

Baby Hitler vs 5 million Jews trolley problem jpg

Tiananmen sea jpg

Xi Jinping The Governance of China photo jpg

Tiananmen students sitting jpg

Jingjing Chacha Beijing jpg

We don t hire blacks by Aaron DeWitt 2020 jpg

Umbrella movement icon png

Chrysanthemum Xi jpeg

Xi Jinping elected 2970 for 0 against in 2018 jpg

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg

Litvinenko hospital bed webp

Falun Gong Chengdu jpg

Hong Kong 97 cover jpg

Mantou Xi lookalike jpg

Putler jpg

Please enjoy this politically correct cartoon jpg

Xi scout salute vs Hitler Youth salute jpg

Xi pole jpg

Copy link

134545 commented Apr 22, 2023


Copy link

Hi 134545,


Police steps over Falun Gong believer s face in 2000 at Tiananmen jpg

Tank Man FF6 jpg

Tiananmen troop truck night jpg

Umbrella movement in Admiralty night View 20141010 jpg

Falun Gong road roller book destruction jpg

Liu Keqing singer Xi lookalike jpeg

Xi sleep Mao jpg

Mei with Hong kong jpg

Liberate Hong Kong Admiralty 2019 jpg

Xi Apple jpg

Nazi war flag png

Trump silenced by Twitter by Kuang Biao jpg

Xi raised fist jpg

Chenmei Caowei jpg

Chai Ling People s Daily speech jpg

Xiao bin crush students jpg

Pu Zhiqiang tshirt jpg

12377 report procedure april 2021 png

Xi bat jpg

Side by side comparison between Thai king Vajiralongkorn and Hamtaro jpg

Pokemon political meme little pink super effective zh png

Tank Man ground level jpg

CCP terrorism Taliban vs Chinese citizens jpg

Kin no unko jpg

Tiananmen sculpt goddess webp

TECRO Washington jpg

Mantou Xi lookalike jpg

Tiananmen bicycle bridge jpg

Xi Nazi car salute photoshop jpg

PLA soldier breaking bricks on head jpg

Copy link

GSY2020 commented Jun 3, 2023


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github-actions bot commented Jun 3, 2023

Hi GSY2020,


Xi Apple jpg

Last Supper Mao jpg

Qatar web censorship page jpg

Red army school jpg

Xinjiang cotton vs American plantation from 1908 jpg

Umbrella movement icon png

Weibo Sauron jpg

Xi Jinping The Governance of China jpg

Uyghur workers waving China flag jpg

Li at Tiananmen Eyebeams jpg

Mao Zedong in Yanan jpg

Xi Jinping heart jpeg

Xi sleep Mao jpg

Hitler has only got one ball jpg

Xi pole jpg

Zoom Boris jpg

Chinazi flag png

Tank Man drawing by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Trump silenced by Twitter by Kuang Biao jpg

Falun Gong road roller book destruction jpg

Scarfolk children the cause of crime jpg

Huawei 5G Trojan jpg

Church demolition jpg

Tiananmen crying mother webp

Uyghur playing guitar jpg

Xi scout salute vs Hitler Youth salute jpg

Hao Haidong kick jpg

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg

Falun Gong Liaoning jpg

Thai king prostrated wife jpg

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我去你媽了個蝴蝶螺旋大騷逼,你媽追我三條街說我長得像你爹,狗籃子我給你媽掛樹上了,你他媽個沒屁眼他媽用嘴拉屎的廢逼,我他媽踹爛你媽逼你媽還讓野狗舔,你說你媽騷不騷,你說你媽逼有多臭,我操你媽的逼的,我操你媽的時候你爸還在邊上看呢,邊看邊說老子草的好,誇老子讓你媽爽了。你個窩囊廢我操你個死媽你丫全家爆炸,舅舅病房k歌,奶奶靈堂酒會,姑姑喪宴烤屍,侄子送葬搖滾,你媽靈車漂移,你爸墳頭蹦迪,給你吃你爹骨灰拌飯,爺爺祖墳歌會,哥哥宗廟拍片,妹妹屍塊養豬,媳婦腦漿澆花,全家靈堂派對,姐姐葬禮慶典,弟弟骨髓煮湯,舅媽棺木開花,我踩著你媽棺材板衝浪你個廢物也為人民做點貢獻讓我踢兩腳?嗯?我幫你尋找人生價值,用不用啊小廢物,小逼崽子罵人都不會,狗籃子玩意我是你野爹我操你媽了逼 你是你媽了逼啊你跟著牛逼哄哄的 兒子 你忘了你爹咋他媽教訓你的了?你是你的東西你別你媽了逼跟狗似的搶去 操你媽的 我操你媽了個臭逼,你媽了個逼的狗籃子跟你爹我BB啥呢?你爹我操你媽的時候怎麼沒把你射牆上呢?嗯?你媽沒攔著你說我是你親爹嗎,我操你媽的逼,一腳給你媽逼踹開花了,跟他媽你現在臉盤子一邊大,我去你媽

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Hi Crz881010,

我去你媽了個蝴蝶螺旋大騷逼,你媽追我三條街說我長得像你爹,狗籃子我給你媽掛樹上了,你他媽個沒屁眼他媽用嘴拉屎的廢逼,我他媽踹爛你媽逼你媽還讓野狗舔,你說你媽騷不騷,你說你媽逼有多臭,我操你媽的逼的,我操你媽的時候你爸還在邊上看呢,邊看邊說老子草的好,誇老子讓你媽爽了。你個窩囊廢我操你個死媽你丫全家爆炸,舅舅病房k歌,奶奶靈堂酒會,姑姑喪宴烤屍,侄子送葬搖滾,你媽靈車漂移,你爸墳頭蹦迪,給你吃你爹骨灰拌飯,爺爺祖墳歌會,哥哥宗廟拍片,妹妹屍塊養豬,媳婦腦漿澆花,全家靈堂派對,姐姐葬禮慶典,弟弟骨髓煮湯,舅媽棺木開花,我踩著你媽棺材板衝浪你個廢物也為人民做點貢獻讓我踢兩腳?嗯?我幫你尋找人生價值,用不用啊小廢物,小逼崽子罵人都不會,狗籃子玩意我是你野爹我操你媽了逼 你是你媽了逼啊你跟著牛逼哄哄的 兒子 你忘了你爹咋他媽教訓你的了?你是你的東西你別你媽了逼跟狗似的搶去 操你媽的 我操你媽了個臭逼,你媽了個逼的狗籃子跟你爹我BB啥呢?你爹我操你媽的時候怎麼沒把你射牆上呢?嗯?你媽沒攔著你說我是你親爹嗎,我操你媽的逼,一腳給你媽逼踹開花了,跟他媽你現在臉盤子一邊大,我去你媽

Gay Putin jpg

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Racism in the West vs China George Floyd vs Xinjiang jpg

Weibo Sauron jpg

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Covid gag mask jpg

Li Hongzhi jpg

Mao coffin jpeg

Xi Nazi car salute photoshop jpg

Howey Ou 2019 jpg

Putin bear jpg

Mao swim wave jpg

West Taiwan map jpg

Holocaust denial cartoon by Francoise Pichard jpg

Brand censorship chart jpg

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Addicted bed jpg

Li Hongzhi Buddha jpg

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Liu Keqing singer Xi lookalike jpeg

Side by side comparison between Thai king Vajiralongkorn and Hamtaro jpg

Apple China flag png

Mei with Hong kong jpg

Umbrella movement in Admiralty night View 20141010 jpg

Pu Zhiqiang tshirt jpg

Apple Daily raid webp

Tank Man jpg

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg

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我去你媽了個蝴蝶螺旋大騷逼,你媽追我三條街說我長得像你爹,狗籃子我給你媽掛樹上了,你他媽個沒屁眼他媽用嘴拉屎的廢逼,我他媽踹爛你媽逼你媽還讓野狗舔,你說你媽騷不騷,你說你媽逼有多臭,我操你媽的逼的,我操你媽的時候你爸還在邊上看呢,邊看邊說老子草的好,誇老子讓你媽爽了。你個窩囊廢我操你個死媽你丫全家爆炸,舅舅病房k歌,奶奶靈堂酒會,姑姑喪宴烤屍,侄子送葬搖滾,你媽靈車漂移,你爸墳頭蹦迪,給你吃你爹骨灰拌飯,爺爺祖墳歌會,哥哥宗廟拍片,妹妹屍塊養豬,媳婦腦漿澆花,全家靈堂派對,姐姐葬禮慶典,弟弟骨髓煮湯,舅媽棺木開花,我踩著你媽棺材板衝浪你個廢物也為人民做點貢獻讓我踢兩腳?嗯?我幫你尋找人生價值,用不用啊小廢物,小逼崽子罵人都不會,狗籃子玩意我是你野爹我操你媽了逼 你是你媽了逼啊你跟著牛逼哄哄的 兒子 你忘了你爹咋他媽教訓你的了?你是你的東西你別你媽了逼跟狗似的搶去 操你媽的 我操你媽了個臭逼,你媽了個逼的狗籃子跟你爹我BB啥呢?你爹我操你媽的時候怎麼沒把你射牆上呢?嗯?你媽沒攔著你說我是你親爹嗎,我操你媽的逼,一腳給你媽逼踹開花了,跟他媽你現在臉盤子一邊大,我去你媽

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Hi Crz881010,

我去你媽了個蝴蝶螺旋大騷逼,你媽追我三條街說我長得像你爹,狗籃子我給你媽掛樹上了,你他媽個沒屁眼他媽用嘴拉屎的廢逼,我他媽踹爛你媽逼你媽還讓野狗舔,你說你媽騷不騷,你說你媽逼有多臭,我操你媽的逼的,我操你媽的時候你爸還在邊上看呢,邊看邊說老子草的好,誇老子讓你媽爽了。你個窩囊廢我操你個死媽你丫全家爆炸,舅舅病房k歌,奶奶靈堂酒會,姑姑喪宴烤屍,侄子送葬搖滾,你媽靈車漂移,你爸墳頭蹦迪,給你吃你爹骨灰拌飯,爺爺祖墳歌會,哥哥宗廟拍片,妹妹屍塊養豬,媳婦腦漿澆花,全家靈堂派對,姐姐葬禮慶典,弟弟骨髓煮湯,舅媽棺木開花,我踩著你媽棺材板衝浪你個廢物也為人民做點貢獻讓我踢兩腳?嗯?我幫你尋找人生價值,用不用啊小廢物,小逼崽子罵人都不會,狗籃子玩意我是你野爹我操你媽了逼 你是你媽了逼啊你跟著牛逼哄哄的 兒子 你忘了你爹咋他媽教訓你的了?你是你的東西你別你媽了逼跟狗似的搶去 操你媽的 我操你媽了個臭逼,你媽了個逼的狗籃子跟你爹我BB啥呢?你爹我操你媽的時候怎麼沒把你射牆上呢?嗯?你媽沒攔著你說我是你親爹嗎,我操你媽的逼,一腳給你媽逼踹開花了,跟他媽你現在臉盤子一邊大,我去你媽

Tank Man drawing censored by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Immoral and uneducated en jpg

Xi Jinping heart jpeg

Thai king prostrated officers jpg

12377 report procedure april 2021 png

Nikolai Yezhov Stalin canal edit webp

Jiang Zemin magnify jpg

Pope CCP deal jpeg

Chrysanthemum Xi jpeg

Xu Xiaodong taichi gif

That Rabbit cute jpg

China Taiwan reunification flag webp

Dabancheng reeducation camp jpg

Jingjing Chacha angry jpg

NBA Taiwan flag jpg

Trump silenced by Twitter by Kuang Biao jpg

Howey Ou 2019 jpg

Tank Man drawing by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Zhuan Falun 2010s English vs Chinese jpg

Guantanamo bay protest London 2008 jpg

Li Hongzhi stone garden jpg

Shut up and take my freedom jpg

Xi Pooh Obama webp

Countries that recognize Taiwan jpg

Zhong Gong vs Falun Gong lotus jpg

Jin ping mei jpg

Wei Jingsheng jpg

Chinese character extreme svg

Sweet brown chinese characters meme zh jpg

Play qin to cow png

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134545 commented Sep 20, 2023

Hi Crz881010,

我去你媽了個蝴蝶螺旋大騷逼,你媽追我三條街說我長得像你爹,狗籃子我給你媽掛樹上了,你他媽個沒屁眼他媽用嘴拉屎的廢逼,我他媽踹爛你媽逼你媽還讓野狗舔,你說你媽騷不騷,你說你媽逼有多臭,我操你媽的逼的,我操你媽的時候你爸還在邊上看呢,邊看邊說老子草的好,誇老子讓你媽爽了。你個窩囊廢我操你個死媽你丫全家爆炸,舅舅病房k歌,奶奶靈堂酒會,姑姑喪宴烤屍,侄子送葬搖滾,你媽靈車漂移,你爸墳頭蹦迪,給你吃你爹骨灰拌飯,爺爺祖墳歌會,哥哥宗廟拍片,妹妹屍塊養豬,媳婦腦漿澆花,全家靈堂派對,姐姐葬禮慶典,弟弟骨髓煮湯,舅媽棺木開花,我踩著你媽棺材板衝浪你個廢物也為人民做點貢獻讓我踢兩腳?嗯?我幫你尋找人生價值,用不用啊小廢物,小逼崽子罵人都不會,狗籃子玩意我是你野爹我操你媽了逼 你是你媽了逼啊你跟著牛逼哄哄的 兒子 你忘了你爹咋他媽教訓你的了?你是你的東西你別你媽了逼跟狗似的搶去 操你媽的 我操你媽了個臭逼,你媽了個逼的狗籃子跟你爹我BB啥呢?你爹我操你媽的時候怎麼沒把你射牆上呢?嗯?你媽沒攔著你說我是你親爹嗎,我操你媽的逼,一腳給你媽逼踹開花了,跟他媽你現在臉盤子一邊大,我去你媽

Tank Man drawing censored by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Immoral and uneducated en jpg

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Tank Man drawing by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

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Play qin to cow png

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Hi 134545,

Hi Crz881010,

我去你媽了個蝴蝶螺旋大騷逼,你媽追我三條街說我長得像你爹,狗籃子我給你媽掛樹上了,你他媽個沒屁眼他媽用嘴拉屎的廢逼,我他媽踹爛你媽逼你媽還讓野狗舔,你說你媽騷不騷,你說你媽逼有多臭,我操你媽的逼的,我操你媽的時候你爸還在邊上看呢,邊看邊說老子草的好,誇老子讓你媽爽了。你個窩囊廢我操你個死媽你丫全家爆炸,舅舅病房k歌,奶奶靈堂酒會,姑姑喪宴烤屍,侄子送葬搖滾,你媽靈車漂移,你爸墳頭蹦迪,給你吃你爹骨灰拌飯,爺爺祖墳歌會,哥哥宗廟拍片,妹妹屍塊養豬,媳婦腦漿澆花,全家靈堂派對,姐姐葬禮慶典,弟弟骨髓煮湯,舅媽棺木開花,我踩著你媽棺材板衝浪你個廢物也為人民做點貢獻讓我踢兩腳?嗯?我幫你尋找人生價值,用不用啊小廢物,小逼崽子罵人都不會,狗籃子玩意我是你野爹我操你媽了逼 你是你媽了逼啊你跟著牛逼哄哄的 兒子 你忘了你爹咋他媽教訓你的了?你是你的東西你別你媽了逼跟狗似的搶去 操你媽的 我操你媽了個臭逼,你媽了個逼的狗籃子跟你爹我BB啥呢?你爹我操你媽的時候怎麼沒把你射牆上呢?嗯?你媽沒攔著你說我是你親爹嗎,我操你媽的逼,一腳給你媽逼踹開花了,跟他媽你現在臉盤子一邊大,我去你媽

Tank Man drawing censored by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Immoral and uneducated en jpg

Xi Jinping heart jpeg

Thai king prostrated officers jpg

12377 report procedure april 2021 png

Nikolai Yezhov Stalin canal edit webp

Jiang Zemin magnify jpg

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Chrysanthemum Xi jpeg

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China Taiwan reunification flag webp

Dabancheng reeducation camp jpg

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Howey Ou 2019 jpg

Tank Man drawing by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Zhuan Falun 2010s English vs Chinese jpg

Guantanamo bay protest London 2008 jpg

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Shut up and take my freedom jpg

Xi Pooh Obama webp

Countries that recognize Taiwan jpg

Zhong Gong vs Falun Gong lotus jpg

Jin ping mei jpg

Wei Jingsheng jpg

Chinese character extreme svg

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Falun Gong Chengdu jpg

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Shit jpg

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Li Hongzhi blue jpg

Jin ping mei jpg

Litvinenko hospital bed webp

Xi scout salute jpg

Xinjiang chained butcher knives jpg

Wei Jingsheng jpg

Chinazi flag png

Tiananmen helmet jpg

Moscow-Minsk friendship mural girl with barbed wire jpg

Yuyuan garden door jpg

Lego Tank Man png

XKCD 937 tornado guard png

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傻逼,你有看过 那些学生代表 和 国外组织接触的视频吗?想轻易颠覆一个国家政权你要问问 老百姓答应不答应,而不是那些装了一肚子酸臭墨水的学生。

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github-actions bot commented Jul 3, 2024

Hi bingwang12,

傻逼,你有看过 那些学生代表 和 国外组织接触的视频吗?想轻易颠覆一个国家政权你要问问 老百姓答应不答应,而不是那些装了一肚子酸臭墨水的学生。

Chinese character extreme svg

Mao Zedong statue over rubble jpg

XKCD 937 tornado guard png

Qing Dinasty gay foreplay jpg

To obey is to betray jpg

Zhuan Falun 2010s English vs Chinese jpg

Space program Change jpg

Putin bear jpg

Umbrella movement icon png

Mao swim wave jpg

Programthink jpg

Jingjing Chacha angry jpg

Tiananmen sculpt goddess webp

Xi Nazi car salute photoshop jpg

Kin no unko jpg

Trump silenced by Twitter by Kuang Biao jpg

Ciro Santilli portrait as Qing emperor jpg

Dabancheng reeducation camp jpg

Li Hongzhi Buddha jpg

Xi Jinping vs Li Hongzhi prophet pictures jpg

Weibo Sauron jpg

Anonymous middle fingers jpg

CCP terrorism Taliban vs Chinese citizens jpg

Kneeling by Adam Zyglis NFL Colin Kaepernick vs NBA LeBron James jpg

Xi Jiang Hu jpg

Tank Man ducks jpg

Last Supper Mao jpg

12321 report procedure april 2021 png

Howey Ou 2019 jpg

Tank Man jpg

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bingwang12 commented Jul 3, 2024

傻逼自动脚本回复,人都不敢做,做鬼 Stupid automatic script reply, people don't dare to do it, be a ghost

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github-actions bot commented Jul 3, 2024

Hi bingwang12,


Uyghur workers waving China flag jpg

Li Hongzhi Buddha jpg

Chenmei Caowei jpg

Pope CCP deal jpeg

Holocaust denial cartoon vs Palestine jpg

Xinjiang prisoners sitting identified jpeg

Snowden jpg

Immoral and uneducated jpg

Xi Jinping vs Li Hongzhi prophet pictures jpg

Xi Jinping The Governance of China photo jpg

Racism in the West vs China George Floyd vs Xinjiang jpg

Xi Nazi car salute photoshop jpg

Wumao 2011 vs Little Pink 2021 jpg

Tank Man FF6 jpg

Li Hongzhi stone garden jpg

Jingjing Chacha Shenzhen police jpg

Li Keqiang Xi Jinping internal affairs jpg

Hitler youth salute webp

Gay Putin with Gay Medvedev jpg

Addicted bed jpg

Xi mein kampf jpg

Jiang Zemin frog jpg

Tiananmen girl strife jpg

West Taiwan map jpg

Police steps over Falun Gong believer s face in 2000 at Tiananmen jpg

Uyghur sale website jpg

Hu Yaobang memorial jpg

Falun Gong Guangzhou jpg

Tiananmen sea jpg

Chinese character extreme svg

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quxiand commented Dec 24, 2024


This is an old story. Is this the only thing you know about it? We also have related articles on Baidu. Do we need you to promote them?

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Owner Author



This is an old story. Is this the only thing you know about it? We also have related articles on Baidu. Do we need you to promote them?

Yuyuan garden door jpg

We don t hire blacks by Aaron DeWitt 2020 jpg

Mei with Hong kong jpg

Falun Gong sky leaflet jpg

NBA Taiwan flag jpg

United China Relief 3 million Chinese jpg

Xi Pooh Photoshop webp

Falun Gong magic fungi jpg

Scarfolk whatever you do dont jpg

Li Hongzhi lotus jpg

Grandma Wong t shirt jpg

Pu Zhiqiang tshirt jpg

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg

Li Keqiang Xi Jinping internal affairs jpg

Holocaust denial cartoon vs Palestine jpg

Kin no unko jpg

Dabancheng reeducation camp jpg

Nazi book burning jpg

Li Hongzhi Buddha jpg

Putin dinosaur webp

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Hitler Himmler salute jpg

Water Margin tribute to dissidents jpg

Baidu Baike Badminton World Federation censored 1995 1997 wins by Ye Zhaoying wife of Hao Haidong png

Yuyuan garden door jpg

Red army school jpg

Tiananmen crushed dead jpg

Putin dinosaur webp

Falun Gong road roller book destruction jpg

West Taiwan map jpg

Huawei 5G my precious jpg

Eric Drooker censorship jpg

Xi raised fist jpg

Frog in well jpeg

709 lawyers jpg

Thai king crop top jpg

Mei with Hong kong jpg

O Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper censorship Lusiadas 1974 jpg

We don t hire blacks by Aaron DeWitt 2020 jpg

Xi Jinping The Governance of China photo jpg

Anonymous middle fingers jpg

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