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我日尼玛逼,脑残东西,脑子里装的是屎吗,浪费资源,崇洋媚外的汉奸走狗 Fuck you, you idiot, what's in your head? You're wasting resources, you're a traitor and a running dog who worships foreigners and fawns on them. #1746

我日尼玛逼,脑残东西,脑子里装的是屎吗,浪费资源,崇洋媚外的汉奸走狗 Fuck you, you idiot, what's in your head? You're wasting resources, you're a traitor and a running dog who worships foreigners and fawns on them.

我日尼玛逼,脑残东西,脑子里装的是屎吗,浪费资源,崇洋媚外的汉奸走狗 Fuck you, you idiot, what's in your head? You're wasting resources, you're a traitor and a running dog who worships foreigners and fawns on them. #1746