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This is CircleModularWalletsSDK repo in iOS.


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding CircleModularWalletsCore as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift or the Package list in Xcode.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

Normally you'll want to depend on the CircleModularWalletsCore target:

.product(name: "CircleModularWalletsCore", package: "CircleModularWalletsCore")


Users can create smart accounts and send UserOps with passkeys with sample code

import CircleModularWalletsCore

let CLIENT_KEY = "xxxxxxx:xxxxx"

Task {
  do {
    // 1. SDK calls RP to create/login a user

    // Create a PasskeyTransport with client key
    let transport = toPasskeyTransport(clientKey: CLIENT_KEY)

    let credential = try await toWebAuthnCredential(
      transport: transport,
      userName: "MyExampleName", // userName
      mode: WebAuthnMode.register // or WebAuthnMode.login
    // 2. Create a WebAuthn owner account from the credential.
    let webAuthnAccount = toWebAuthnAccount(

    // 3. Create modularTrasport with chain and client key then create a bundlerClient
    let modularTrasport = toModularTransport( 
      clientKey: CLIENT_KEY,
      url: clientUrl

    let bundlerClient = BundlerClient( 
      chain: Sepolia,
      transport: modularTrasport
    // 4. Create SmartAccout(CircleSmartAccount) and set the WebAuthn account as the owner
    let smartAccount = try await toCircleSmartAccount(
      client: bundlerClient,
      owner: webAuthnAccount

    // 5. Send an User Operation to the Bundler. For the example below, we will send 1 ETH to a random address.
    let hash = bundlerClient.sendUserOperation(
      account: account,
      calls: [
          to: "0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8",
          value: UnitUtils.parseEtherToWei("1")
  } catch {