Database SQLAlchemy models for UNIHAN. Part of the cihai project. Powered by unihan-etl. See also: libUnihan.
By default, unihan-db creates a SQLite database in an XDG data directory. You can specify a custom database destination by passing a database url into get_session.
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Example for bootstrapping UNIHAN DB and print out a row."""
import pprint
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func
from unihan_db import bootstrap
from unihan_db.tables import Unhn
session = bootstrap.get_session()
random_row_query = session.query(Unhn).order_by(func.random()).limit(1)
assert random_row_query is not None
random_row = random_row_query.first()
pprint.pprint(random_row.to_dict()) # type:ignore
$ ./examples/
{'char': '鎷',
'kCantonese': [{'char_id': '鎷', 'definition': 'maa5', 'id': 24035}],
'kDefinition': [],
'kHanYu': [{'char_id': '鎷',
'id': 24014,
'locations': [{'character': 5,
'generic_indice_id': 24014,
'generic_reading_id': None,
'id': 42170,
'page': 4237,
'virtual': 0,
'volume': 6}],
'type': 'kHanYu'}],
'kHanyuPinyin': [{'char_id': '鎷',
'id': 18090,
'locations': [{'character': 5,
'generic_indice_id': None,
'generic_reading_id': 18090,
'id': 42169,
'page': 4237,
'virtual': 0,
'volume': 6}],
'readings': [{'generic_reading_id': 18090,
'id': 26695,
'reading': 'mǎ'}],
'type': 'kHanyuPinyin'}],
'kMandarin': [{'char_id': '鎷', 'hans': 'mǎ', 'hant': 'mǎ', 'id': 23486}],
'ucn': 'U+93B7'}
$ git clone
$ cd unihan-etl
Bootstrap your environment and learn more about contributing. We use the same conventions / tools across all cihai projects: pytest
, sphinx
, mypy
, ruff
, tmuxp
, and file watcher helpers (e.g. entr(1)
- 0.8.0:
- Last Python 3.7 release
- Last SQLAlchemy 1.3 release