#What's new ? ###Version 1.2 From a good idea of Asopus I added a new property : highlight-days so days-off becomes deprecated.
As usual, check the demo page http://arca-computing.github.io/MultipleDatePicker/ ###Version 1.1.6 Fixed an unselection problem
###Version 1.1.X Some bugs fix and improvements, check demo
###Version 1.1.0 Soyuka improved the library, you now have events in your callback, so you can play with it. He also add a new callback when you over a day. Check out the demo page !
The parameter "callback" has been deprecated, it's still working but will be removed in a next version, please update.
#What is MultipleDatePicker ? MultipleDatePicker is an Angular directive to show a simple calendar allowing user to select multiple dates, a callback is called, you can specify some off days or already selected days.
#Install and demo http://arca-computing.github.io/MultipleDatePicker/
#What's next ? We created this directive to have a simple calendar with multi-dates selection. We will keep it simple but any improvement is welcome.