The Chronicle Std Library
provides a set of contracts used throughout the Chronicle Protocol.
├─ IChronicle - "Interface for Chronicle Protocol's oracle products"
├─ auth
│ ├─ Auth — "`auth` access control module"
│ └─ IAuth — "Auth's interface specification"
└─ toll
├─ Toll — "`toll` access control module"
└─ IToll — "Toll's interface specification"
├─ Chaincheck - "Verifiable onchain configurations"
├─ IAuthChaincheck - "Chaincheck implementation for IAuth interface"
└─ ITollChaincheck - "Chaincheck implementation for IToll interface"
Install module via Foundry:
$ forge install chronicleprotocol/chronicle-std@v2
The project uses the Foundry toolchain. You can find installation instructions here.
$ git clone
$ cd chronicle-std/
$ forge install
Run tests:
$ forge test
$ forge test -vvvv # Run with full stack traces
$ FOUNDRY_PROFILE=intense forge test # Run in intense mode
$ forge fmt [--check]
Update gas snapshots:
$ forge snapshot [--check]