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Magic-tape is an image supporting fuzzy finder command line interface YouTube client.


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Magic-tape is an image supporting fuzzy finder command line interface YouTube client.

Downloading data is achieved with yt-dlp and cURL, while selections are achieved mainly with fzf.

Image support is achieved either with kitty terminal, ueberzugpp, ueberzug or chafa.

With magic-tape, through the main menu, the user can

  • Browse videos from subscriptions.

  • Browse videos suggested by YT algorithm.

  • Browse through trending video feed.

  • make a video search, using keywords or phrases.

  • Watch a previously watched video (watch history).

  • Browse videos from a subcsribed channel.

  • Watch a liked video.

  • Repeat the previous selection.

  • Repeat a previous search (search history).

  • Watch/download video/audio content, in various formats.

Through the miscellaneous menu the user can

  • Edit Preferences file (configuration).

  • Easily Update yt-dlp command (the driving force of this script).

  • Like / Unlike a video.

  • Synchronize the above actions with their YouTube account.

  • Import subscriptions from YouTube.

  • Subscribe to/ Unsubscribe from a channel.

  • Clear their watch/search history, liked videos, thumbnail cache.


Instructions on installing yt-dlp can be found here:

Easily install yt-dlp using pip:

pip install yt-dlp

Other dependencies include:

  • Bash (version >= 4.2)

Regarding image support, it can either be achived with

sudo apt install kitty


  • ueberzugpp (install instructions in the page)

    Ueberzugpp works great with older hardware, where installing kitty is not an option.


sudo apt install chafa

or with

How to install Ueberzug

The ueberzug project has been archived. However, in order to install ueberzug one can follow these steps:

  • Install dependencies
sudo apt install libx11-dev libxres-dev libxext-dev

If during the installation process, errors appear due to absence of other depedencies, the user is encouraged to search the error message in the internet in order to locate the misssing dependency.

git clone ""

cd ueberzug-tabbed

python -m pip install .

NOTE: One may need to call above pip install commands as pip install --break-system-packages to successfully install the packages.

To install these dependencies, run the following command:

sudo apt install curl fzf mpv jq xclip

To install rofi:

sudo apt install rofi

To install dmenu:

sudo apt install dmenu

Note for macOS users

macOS has an outdated version of Bash (v3). You need to install the latest bash version using Homebrew:

brew install bash

Then install GNU utils used by the script (echo, sed, head, tail):

brew install gnu-sed coreutils

# Add this to your shellrc (.basrc, .zshrc, ...)
# Adapt to the location of your homebrew installation path.
export HOMEBREW_PREFIX=/opt/homebrew
export PATH="$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

Finally install the remaining dependencies:

brew install curl fzf mpv jq yt-dlp


Clone the magic-tape repo, and then get to the magic-tape/ directory:

git clone
cd magic-tape/

Make executable, then run it:

chmod +x

That's it, the script is now installed.


To run the script from the same directory, run:


or from any directory, provided that ~/.local/bin/ is added to the $PATH:


Through the P Option in the Miscellaneous Menu, the user can configure many pamaters of this script. The same can be equally well achieved by editing the ~/.config/magic-tape/magic-tape.conffile, outside the script :


n Variable Explanation Default Value Acceptable Values
1 PREF_SELECTOR Preferred selector is the program used to select actions rofi dmenu rofi fzf
2 PREF_EDITOR Editor used to edit the configuration file ${EDITOR-nano} nano, vim, gedit, xed, or any other terminal or graphical text editor
3 PREF_BROWSER Preferred browser is the browser the cookies of which are used to login to YouTube firefox brave-browser-stable, chrome, chromium, edge, firefox, opera, vivaldi
4 LINK_BROWSER The browser to use to open links with firefox Any Browser
5 LIST_LENGTH The length of the list of videos to choose from 40 5 - 99 (the smaller the length, the faster the response)
6 TERMINAL_MESSAGE_DURATION Terminal message duration (sleep command) 2 1 - 5 sec (or more, if you love sleeping)
7 COLORED_MESSAGES Tui messages in color yes yes / no
8 NOTIFICATION_ENABLED Enable desktop notifications yes yes / no
9 NOTIFICATION_DURATION Notification duration 6000 1 - 10000 msec
10 IMAGE_SUPPORT Image support, the program used to render image previews in the terminal window. ueberzug kitty ueberzugpp ueberzug chafa none
11 COMMENTS_TOGGLE Show comments and description in the terminal, while video is reproduced. yes yes / no
12 COMMENTS_MAX Maximum comments number loaded. 100 any number, or all for all comments.
13 COMMENTS_REPLIES_MAX Maximum comment replies, number of replies loaded per comment. (Further info:$ man yt-dlp). 5 any number, or all for all comment replies.
14 COMMENTS_SORT Comments sort method, the order in which comments are shown. Choose comment sorting mode(on YouTube's side). (Further info:$ man yt-dlp). new new, old, top
15 PINNED_COMMENTS Show pinned comment (if any) as first or last in the comment section. last first / last
16 SHOW_MPV_KEYBINDINGS Show mpv keybindings while playing yes yes / no
17 DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY Directory to download audio video into /Downloads $HOME is the root directory, e.g. if you want to download your files in the Desktop directory, instead of $HOME/Desktop, just put /Desktop

Finally, by editing the ~/.config/magic-tape/magic-tape.conf file, the format of the preferred selector program can be also configured. However the user is advised to avoid such editing, unless they know what they are doing.


FIRST STEP: Import Subscribed channels

When the script is run for the first time, it would be advisable for the user to import their subcsribed channels from YouTube.

The user user can do that by navigating to the Miscellaneous Menu (option m), then selecting Import Subscriptions from YouTube (option I).

misc_option.png{height=300}then: import_subscriptions.png{height=300}

Main Menu

Once the program is run, the user is presented with the Main Menu:


Entering the respective key, the user can :

key Action
f Browse their Subscriptions Feed.
y Browse YT algorithm Feed
t Browse YouTube Trending Feed.
s Search for a key word/phrase
r Repeat previous selection.
c Select a Subscribed Channel Feed.
l Browse Liked Videos.
h Browse Watch History.
j Browse Search History.
m Open Miscellaneous Menu.
q Quit the program.
  • In order for the f and y Options to function, the user must already be logged in to YT in the browser.

  • Selecting channel feed, Browsing watch history, search history & liked videos is done with rofi, fzf or dmenu:

image 3{width=320} image 4{width=320} image 5{width=320} image 6{width=320}

Search and Search History

The user can search for a video using a keyword or phrase. Also the user can browse Search history and repeat a previous search.

There is now a duration filter prompt in the search and search history option:

image 7{width=320}

Video selection

Video selection is done with fzf:

image 8{height=450}

Search shortcuts

Shortcut Function
Enter, Right Arrow Accept
Esc Abort Selection
Shift+Right Arrow Next Page
Shift+Left Arrow Previous Page

Once a video is selected, the user is prompted to select action:

  • Play ⭐ Video 144p

  • Play ⭐⭐ Video 360p

  • Play ⭐⭐⭐ Video 720p

  • Play ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Best Video

  • Play ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Best Audio

  • Download Video 🔽

  • Download Audio 🔽

  • Like Video ❤️

  • Browse Feed of channel that uploaded the video 📺

  • Subscribe to the channel that uploaded the video 📋

  • Open in browser 🌐

  • Copy link 🔗

  • Quit ❌

image 9{height=180} image 10{height=180} image 11{height=180}

Playing the video

While the video is reproduced, a shortcut cheatsheet will be printed to help the user control the mpv playing the video:


Miscellaneous Menu

The m option of the Main Menu opens up the Miscellaneous Menu:


Entering the respective key, the user can :

key Action
P Set Up Preferences.
Y Update yt-dlp.
l LIKE a video.
L UNLIKE a video.
I Import subscriptions from YouTube.
n Subscribe to a new channel.
u Unsubscribe to a new channel.
H Clear watch history.
S Clear search history.
T Clear thumbnail cache.
q Quit this menu, Return to Main Menu.

Updating yt-dlp

With a hit of a key (option Y in the Miscellaneous Menu), the user can update yt-dlp command, and keep using it (and magic-tape) without any hiccups:


NOTICE: Updating yt-dlp with this option works only when yt-dlp has been installed using pip.

Subscribing to a new channel

Selecting the n option of the Miscellaneous Menu, the user can subscribe to a new channel.

Initially, the user is asked to enter a keyword / keyphrase to search channels with.

Channel selection then is made with fzf:

image 13{height=320}

  • In the n & u options of the Miscellaneous Menu (subcribe/unsubscribe to a channel), after a selection, the user will be asked to sync the changes manually to their YouTube account.

Viewing Video Description & Comments

Provided that the COMMENTS_TOGGLE variable is configured to yes in ~/.config/magic-tape/magic-tape.conf file (default yes), the video description as well as the comments written by YT viewers will be shown in the terminal window, while the video is reproduced.

image 14{height=300} image 15{height=300} image 16{height=300}

Thus, the user can be satisfied reading other viewers having a swing at the politicians/celebrities/stars they love to hate, or, watch closely to their heart's content, as cyber nuclear attacks are launched between self-righteous, valiant and livid keyboard fighters.

The user can configure comments number, replies number and sorting, through three more variables in ~/.config/magic-tape/magic-tape.conffile.

The user is also able to show pinned comments (if any) as first or last in the comment section.

Pinned comments will be marked accordingly and will be printed in different color to the other comments, in order to stand out.

Comment loading is asynchronous to video loading, so it is possible that there will be some delay in the appearence of the comments. That depends on the number of comments, network speed etc.

Also, it would be helpful to mention enabling limitless scrolling through your terminal emulator's preferences, in order not to miss a post in video with many many comments.

zsh Compatibility

If the user runs the script with zsh, the $SHELL will be automatically exported to /bin/bash. If any compatibility problrms arise, create an issue.


The vast majority of the issues mentioned, had only to do with:

A. Improper installation of the script.

If the user does't install properly the script, the script will not function. Proper installation is very easy, just one line command in the terminal.

B. Out of date yt-dlp command.

In my experience, the best way to keep the driving force of this script, that is yt-dlp up-to-date, one might:

  • preferably install it with pip:
pip install yt-dlp
  • Check regularly for updates, and update easily with one command:
python3 -m pip install -U "yt-dlp[default]"
  • To make things easier, just hit Y and select Update yt-dlp option from within the Miscellaneous Menu.

C. Browser not logged-in causes problems.

yt-dlp uses browser cookies to function properly. So, Before opening magic-tape, make sure that you log in to yt in your browser, and the right values arre assigned to PREF_BROWSER and LINK_BROWSER in the config file.

If the user takes notice of these few points, chances are the experience with magic-tape will be at least satisfactory.



Magic-tape is an image supporting fuzzy finder command line interface YouTube client.







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