The regular-release apk is the same as what can be found on the Google Play Store. The cdr-release apk is the same as the regular-release apk, but with the full CDR support (See README.md for more details) and it also does not contain any tracking libraries such as Google Analytics.
What's Changed
- Fix upside down screen orientation by @joelkoen in #44
- Adds a 5G NR calculator to the cellular calculators.
- Updates the cellular calculators UI to Jetpack Compose.
- Adds a link to GitHub in the Nav Drawer.
- Adds a link to report a bug in the Nav Drawer.
- Displays the Override Network Type (aka marketing network) in the cellular details view.
- Pulls in the latest GPSTest code, to include support for SouthPAN and a compass rotating sky view.
- Fixes the Avg C/N0 Slider on the Sky View screen.
- Adds support for sorting and filtering in the GNSS UIs.
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.23...v1.24