Pretty node graph showing dependencies of a USD file
- Python 2.7 or 3.x
- USD build (19.x or later) for your python version
- PySide2 or PyQt5
Make sure you clone with submodules. Like this:
cd /path/to/somewhere
git clone --recursive
For example, Houdini, which provides the USD libraries and PySide2 out of the box.
Make the usd-noodle directory is on your PYTHONPATH:
import sys
import usd_noodle
Aka "hoodle" - a Houdini PythonPanel and basic LOPs integration are available.
Use these install instructions: Houdini Installation
Assuming you have a USD installation at $USD...
$PYTHONPATH will require $USD/lib/python along with some flavour of PyQt/PySide
$PATH will require $USD/lib and $USD/bin
here's a sample bash script. PySide2 has already been installed to the python installation.
export USD=/home/chrisg/usd-20.05-linux-x86_64-py36
export NOODLE=/home/chrisg/usd-noodle
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$USD/lib/python::
export PATH=$PATH:$USD/lib:$USD/bin:
python3 $NOODLE/usd_noodle/
usage: [-h] [-i USDFILE] [-t]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i USDFILE, --usdfile USDFILE
usd file to load
-t, --textures Load textures (ie, walk attributes)